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发布时间:2023-12-16 21:18:16

[单项选择]Under perfect competition, a firm will be inclined to increase output as long as which of the following conditions exists()
A. Marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost.
B. Marginal cost is less than average cost.
C. Marginal revenue is positive.

更多"Under perfect competition, a firm w"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A firm operating under perfect competition will experience economic losses when which of the following conditions exists()
A. Marginal revenue is greater than average total cost.
B. Market price is less than average total cost.
C. Marginal cost = average total cost = marginal revenue = price.
[单项选择]Under perfect competition, the short-run market supply curve is most accurately described by which of the following statements The market short-run supply curve is the:()
A. average of the quantities at each price along the marginal cost curve for all firms in a given industry.
B. sum of the quantities at each price along the average total cost curve for all firms in a given industry.
C. sum of the quantities at each price along the marginal cost curves for all firms in a given industry.
[单项选择]David is inclined to believe in
A. aliens.
B. UFOs.
C. the TV character.
D. government conspiracies.
[填空题]Globalisation and competition
[单项选择]Passage Two
Hong Kong is a city inclined toward red; in Thailand the color is yellow; India leans toward reds and oranges. These are not political colors, but colors that suggest religious beliefs.
To an Asian colors are full of beliefs, religious and otherwise. To the Chinese, red is very lucky, but to Thais yellow brings good fortune. The combination of blue, black, and white is, to the Chinese, suggestive of a funeral.
Many Western businessmen believe that most Asians have become Westernized(西方化) in their outlook. This is true in part. But Westernization and education do not usually completely replace the culture and beliefs of an Asian’s forefathers. They tend instead to make a more sophisticated combination of his culture and religious bonds. The approach required to sell an Asian any commodity must follow the basic formula of cater
A. Colors Communicate
B. Green and Purple: A Sign of Religious Leadership
C. An Expensive Lesson in Malaysia
D. The Westernization of Asia
[单项选择]This old couple are inclined to create more space by ( ) old furniture.
A. getting rid of
B. catching sight of
C. taking place of
D. giving way to
[单项选择]Naturally the young are more inclined to novelty than their elders and it is in their speech, as it always was, that most of the vocabulary changes originate. But listening critically to their talk I hear hardly my new words. It is all a matter of using old words in a new way and then copying each other as they wish to speak differently from their parents. They want even more to speak like people of their own age. A new usage once took time to spread, but now a pop star can flash it across the world in hours.
Of course, it is not only the young who like to use the latest in-word. While they are describing their idols as smashing, great, or cosmic (宇宙的), their parents and the more discriminating of the younger set are also groping for words of praise that are at once apt and fashionable. However, their choice of splendid, brilliant, fantastic and so on will in turn be slightly dimmed by over-use and need replacement.
Magic is a theme that has regularly supplied words of pr
A. has a clearer meaning than it does for the author
B. is unacceptable because it is slang
C. seems strange and old-fashioned
D. means much the same as smashing


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