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发布时间:2024-09-08 02:45:22


Raccoon is an American Indian name for a small, tree-climbing animal, Raccoons are mainly active at night. They are restless, known for their "bandit’ s masks (强盗面孔)" ,ringed tails, and curiosity. A regular visitor to lakes and rivers, the raccoon lives on fish as well as nuts, fruits, and eggs. One ihteresting thing about this animal is that he always washes his meal. He does so be- cause of the habit of feeling his food for texture (软硬) and size, for the skillful and quick animals sharp of touch heightens when his fingers are wet.
In northern areas, the raccoon’s activity drops off considerably during the winter, but he does not actually totally rest.
The raccoon family is usually made up of a mother and her young. After mom bears babies, she becomes teacher, protector, and provider of food. At first she nurses her babies; later she goes in search of solid food to bring back to her young.
Raccoons are born in the spring and are fed
A. It moves less and sleeps more.
B. It moves on the ground only.
C. It is busy looking for food.
D. It rests all the time.

更多"Raccoon is an American Indian name "的相关试题:


Raccoon is an American Indian name for a small, tree-climbing animal, Raccoons are mainly active at night. They are restless, known for their "bandit’ s masks (强盗面孔)" ,ringed tails, and curiosity. A regular visitor to lakes and rivers, the raccoon lives on fish as well as nuts, fruits, and eggs. One ihteresting thing about this animal is that he always washes his meal. He does so be- cause of the habit of feeling his food for texture (软硬) and size, for the skillful and quick animals sharp of touch heightens when his fingers are wet.
In northern areas, the raccoon’s activity drops off considerably during the winter, but he does not actually totally rest.
The raccoon family is usually made up of a mother and her young. After mom bears babies, she becomes teacher, protector, and provider of food. At first she nurses her babies; later she goes in search of solid food to bring back to her young.
Raccoons are born in the spring and are fed
A. it can climb trees
B. it is active at night
C. it washes the food it eats
D. it has a sharp sense of smell

A. 峰面积
B. 峰高
C. 保留时间
D. 峰宽
E. 半高峰宽
[简答题]Indian Summer
[单项选择]About the year 1900, a small, dark-haired boy named Charles Chaplin was often seen waiting outside the back entrances of London theatres. He looked thin and hungry but his blue eyes were determined. He was hoping to get work in show business for he could sing and dance. His parents were music hall artists and he had been born into the life of the stage. And, although his own boyhood was painfully hard, he knew how to make people laugh.
His own father had died from drinking too much. And his mother wasn’t really able to look after Charles and his elder half-brother, Sid, because she was often sick in mind and had to be sent into hospital. Even when she was home with them she seemed to live in a different world. Her illness made the boys very sad.
As young men, he and his brother travelled to America in a small company of actors and acted in various cities. One day Charles was invited to join a new company that was making film comedies (喜剧). He accepted the offer and soon becam
A. America
B. London
C. Ireland
D. a different world
A. 相对保留时间
B. 相对标准偏差
C. 比旋度
D. 比移值
E. 半衰期

Who was the Indian In fact, the Indian was{{U}} {{/U}}.


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