发布时间:2024-07-31 20:58:19

A. 当计算机运行时突遇断电时能紧急提供电源,保护计算机中的数据免遭丢失
B. 使计算机运行得更快些
C. 防止计算机运行得过快
D. 降低计算机工作时发生的噪声


[单项选择]When does UPS Express guarantee delivery
A. by 10:30 the next day
B. by 10:30 every day
C. by 10:30 a.m. the next business day

在90年代中后期,由于受到美国另一家成功的快递公司——联邦快递——的竞争的压力,UPS的公司理念由强调效率转向让客户满意。虽然其业务核心还是以分配快递货物和提供相关的信息为主,但那时UPS已开始探索新的更有诱惑力的业务渠道。UPS当时的管理层认为,公司托运以及对货物跟踪服务的能力已经足够推动国际贸易的前进,而且能促进三种力量——货物、资讯以及资本组成合动力。为了实现提供新服务的梦想,UPS开始策略性地收购现有公司,并建立前所未有的新型公司。UPS经过收购和创新,试图以新的方式给客户提供服务。UPS用自己最有特色和效率的供应链解决方案,来为他们的客户服务。1995年,UPS组成UPS Logistics Group,提供全球供应链管理解决方案,并能依据客户的个别需要提供咨询服务。这一年,UPS收购了SonicAir公司,使UPS成为第一家可以提供当天、“下一航班运送”服务并保证隔夜早上8点派送的公司。1998年,成立UPS Capital,并以提供整合金融产品与服务选单为使命,帮助客户扩展其商务。1999年11月10日,UPS第一次向外公开发放其股票。此举使UPS公司能利用公开交易证券在全球重要市场完成策略并购,实力得到进一步加强。由于越来越多的UPS客户要求指定此专门技术,最后促使UPS供应链解决方案形成。UPS供应链解决方案是一个有效率的组织,其提供物流支援、金融服务、邮寄服务和咨询,以加强客户企业效能及增进其全球供应链发展。这些措施使得UPS能在世界上200多个国家与地区提供形形色色的服务,实现货物、咨询与货款流程自动化。
[单项选择]Admittedly, minor accidents and slip-ups continue to shake public confidence in nuclear power. Given the unquantifiable risks that nuclear power carries, it is only right that the industry be subjected to the test of public opinion and due political process. However, this argues for exceptional alerts, regulatory scrutiny and accountability—and not for bans or shut-downs. Those nuclear operators with a good safety record deserve to have their licenses renewed, so that existing plants may run to the end of their useful lives.
The Bush administration’s enthusiastic support goes a lot further than this, however. It also wants to see new plants. Proponents of new nuclear power stations make three arguments in their favor. They will enhance energy security by lessening dependence on fossil fuels; far from being environmentally harmful, they will be beneficial because they will reduce the output of greenhouse gases; and, most crucially, the economics of nuclear power has improved from t
A. People have little confidence in nuclear power for the potential disaster of nuclear accidents.
B. People think it important to exercise strict monitoring and effective management of the existing plants.
C. People believe the best way to avoid nuclear disaster is to shut down all the nuclear power stations.
D. People agree to prohibit the existing nuclear plants from running to the end of their useful lives.
[填空题]By saying "some couples weather financial ups and downs", the author means that some couples survive these financial problems and are able to continue to ______ .
[简答题]What decisions do grown-ups and children often make on New Year’s Day
[单项选择]How was the man recently
Why did the woman feel upset
A. Because she had a cold.
B. Because she got fired.
C. Because she was very tired.
D. Because she lost her wallet.
[填空题]If visitors provide food the animals, this may upset the animals’ ______.
[简答题]Annual check-ups and company "wellness programmes" have become a familiar part of the corporate landscape. (46) Companies are now also starting to touch on a potentially troubling area: their employees mental health. Companies as diverse as BT, Rolls Royce and Grant Thornton have introduced mental health programmes ranging from training managers to spot problems to rehabilitating those suffering breakdowns.
The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health estimates that a sixth of the British workforce suffers from depression or stress. That mental ill health costs British employers almost $ 26 billion a year and American research suggests that "presenteeism" costs twice as much as absenteeism. Recently Grant Thornton sends its managers on a two day program put on by Positive Health Strategies, a London company. (47) Its program screens people for psychological well being, and offers advice on " optimizing performance" and " staying. positive under pressure". Focusing on the upper


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