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发布时间:2024-01-12 05:49:08

[单项选择]One morning my patience was growing thin during Mark talked once too often, and then I made a novice-teacher’s mistake.
A. when
B. as
C. while
D. whenever

更多"One morning my patience was growing"的相关试题:

Passage One
Growing up, I earned my best marks for playing well with others. For my husband, I lived in three different countries in five years, and while abroad, 1 easily sparked friendships by starting book clubs and hosting girls’ nights. When it came to making friends, I had never failed until the birth of my first child.
My husband and I relocated from Moscow to Alexandria in 2006. I gave birth to our daughter, Eloise, that December. Soon after her arrival, I sought friendships in places where I thought I could meet cool new moms. In mommy-and-me yoga class, Eloise and I lunched with the yoga ladies and their babies with regularity, and true to form, I hosted my first yoga-moms playgroup. Months passed, and Eloise and I became a fixture on the playgroup circuit. The moms and I talked and shared nursing nightmares and milestone moment
A. traveling different countries
B. starting book clubs
C. hosting girls’ nights
D. making friends
[单项选择]During the one-month trial period, customers are under no ______ to sign any contracts.
A. pledge
B. promise
C. obligation
D. engagement

Passage One

My First Experience with AIDS Patients

by Marc Kielburger
I was ushered to the AIDS ward of a hospice in the slum.I would later learn that the ward did not exist,at least not officially.Not a single person in Thailand had AIDS,according to the Thai government at the time.People got"sick,"of course,sometimes"very sick."but no one had AIDS.The hospice was home to an ever-growing number of"very sick"people.
I entered the ward and was greeted by two Thai nurses.
"Thank goodness you are here,Marc,"said the first.
"You’re a doctor,right"
I shook my head.
"So you are a medical student then!"
I shook my head again.
"But you know m
A. A doctor
B. A medical student
C. A volunteer
D. A government official
[单项选择]  It was 1961 and I was in the fifth grade. My marks in school were miserable and, the thing was, I didn’’t know enough to really care. My older brother and I lived with Mom in a dingy multi-family house in Detroit. We watched TV every night. The background noise of our lives was gunfire and horses’’ hoofs from "Wagon Train" or "Cheyenne", and laughter from "I Love Lucy" or "Mister Ed". After supper, we’’d sprawl on Mom’’s bed and stare for hours at the tube.   But one day Mom changed our world forever. She turned off the TV. Our mother had only been able to get through third grade. But she was much brighter and smarter than we boys knew at the time. She had noticed something in the suburban houses she cleaned -- books. So she came home one day, snapped off the TV, sat us down and explained that her sons were going to make something of themselves. "You boys are going to read two books every week," she said. "And you’’re going to write me a report on what you read."   We moaned and c
A. the author and his brother had done poorly in school.
B. the author had been very concerned about his school work.
C. the author had spent much time watching TV after school.
D. the author had realized how important schooling was.
[填空题]Campbell was beaten by his opponents during the match.

[填空题]During sleep, the person is conscious to most things happening in the environment.


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