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发布时间:2024-07-07 20:58:34

[单项选择]What is the definition of translation given by the professor
A. It is using common sense to say something simply.
B. It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language.
C. It is a complicated and artificial process to describe facts.
D. It is an activity the translator pretends to be someone els

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The most general definition that can be given, is, that the Philosophy of History means nothing but the thoughtful consideration of it. Thought is, indeed, essential to humanity. (46) It is this that distinguishes us from the brutes. In sensation, cognition and intellection; in our instincts and wills, as far as they are truly human, Thought is an invariable element.
The only Thought which Philosophy brings with it to the contemplation of History, is the simple conception of Reason; that Reason is the Sovereign of the World; (47) that the history of the world, therefore, presents us with a rational process. This conviction and intuition is a hypothesis in the domain of history as such. In that of Philosophy it is no hypothesis. It is there proved by speculative cognition that Reason--and this term may here suffice us, without investigating the relation sustained by the Universe to the Divine Being, is Substance, as well as Infinite Power; its own Infinite Ma

[填空题]According to the interview, what does translation of information mean
A. A.Information of different languages was translated into English
B.Users can acquire and understand the information
C.Information on products of software company is built into Web-based applications.

[单项选择]What information is given to the passengers
A. B.There are no flights to L
[填空题]What do they ensure in the legal translation _________________________________.
[单项选择]What is the definition of a tornado warning
A. The formation of a funnel cloud.
B. The sighting of a funnel cloud.
C. The bulletin issued by the National Weather Service.
D. The convergence of favorable conditions for a funnel cloud to form.
[单项选择]Given the following data what is the correlation coefficient between the two stocks and the Beta of stock A standard deviation of returns of Stock A is 10.04 percent standard deviation of returns of Stock B is 2.05 percent standard deviation of the market is 3.01 percent covariance between the two stocks is 0.00109 covariance between the market and stock A is 0.002 Correlation Coefficient Beta ( stock A)()①A. 0.6556 0.06 ②B. 0.5296 0.06 ③C. O.5296 2.2
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[单项选择]What is the address given by the man
A. 1120, East 42nd Street.
B. 1120, East 32nd Street.
C. 1220, East 32nd Street.
D. 1220, East 42nd Street


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