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发布时间:2024-07-31 03:49:06

[简答题]{{B}}Question 2 {{/B}} · You work for a furniture company which has been losing market over the past two quarters.The Directors have asked you to write a report to explain the reasons for the decline. · Write the report,explaining why the market share has been shrinking.and include the following points: ——what are the possible causes within the company. ——what are the possible causes outside the company. ——what plans you have for improvement. {{B}}Question 3{{/B}} · A new snack product of your company has proved very successful on the market.and your manager wants to expand it into a whole series of similar products in different flavours. · Write the proposal for your manager,including the following information: ——what the successful snack is like and why it is successful. ——why it is necessary to expand the product into a series. ——what you need to develop and launch the new series(e.g.budget,people and time). {{B}}Question 4{{

更多"{{B}}Question 2 {{/B}} · You wo"的相关试题:

[简答题]Question 2
·You work in the Customer Service Department of Swifter Express Delivery Co. Recently, your customers are making constant complaints about your service. Your Manager has asked you to write a report to find out what problems are.
·Write a report to your Manager, including the following information:
·telling what your customers complain about
·stating the problems you have found
·recommending remedy ways to rectify the situation.

[简答题]{{B}}Question 2{{/B}} ·You work in the Customer Service Department of Swifter Express Delivery Co. Recently, your customers are making constant complaints about your service. Your Manager has asked you to write a report to find out what problems are. ·Write a report to your Manager, including the following information: ·telling what your customers complain about ·stating the problems you have found ·recommending remedy ways to rectify the situation.
[简答题]Question 4
·The company you work for is considering to send some staff to visit the trade fair.You have been asked to make a proposal on how to exhibit your company’s products in the trade fair.
·Write a proposal to the Manager of the company.Mr. Thomson
·how to ensure the quality of display
·which kind of staff are to be selected
·how to plan the layout of a stand at the trade fair
·how to ensure the security of the exhibits.

[多项选择]Question 4
· The supermarket you work for is considering installing a TV system in its departments to give customers information on products and services while they shop. You have seen an advertisement for a company which provides this type of system.
·Write a letter to the Manager of the company, Mr. Goodson,
· give details of your supermarket;
· what information you want customers to see;
· the number of TV screens you want to install;
· when you want to have it done and why.
· Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.
[多项选择]Question 3
· You have received feedback complaining about your service.
· Write a letter to apologize and explain.
[多项选择]Part One
You are a marketing manager of" a furniture company and you want to buy a stand at a trade fair.
Write a note to your assistant Lucy:
·giving her the basic information of the fair
·asking her to fax the organiser for some enquiries
·suggesting when you want to get the result.
Write 40-50 words.

[填空题]How ATMs Work
You’re short on cash, so you walk over to the automated teller machine (ATM) ,insert your card into the card reader, respond to the prompts on the screen, and within a minute you walk away with your money and a receipt. Have you ever wondered about the process that makes your bank funds available to you at an ATM on the other side of the country
ATM Card vs. Check Card
As an alternative to writing checks and using a credit card, most major banks have teamed up with major credit-card companies to issue check cards.
Check cards are different from straight ATM cards in a couple of ways. First, check cards are also known as debit cards because of how they work--instead of getting credit for your purchase and receiving a monthly bill, like you do with a credit card, a check/debit card deducts money from your checking or savings account.
Also, while you can only use your ATM card at the ATM machine (and some grocery stores), you ca
[多项选择]Question 3
· You received a letter enquiring about your product, the "Bounty" life raft.
· Write to Mr. Imbernon and inform him the details and price.
· Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.
Continuing to Heal After Returning to Work

You are on medical symptom.after learning that you have cancer,and you plan to return to work after your treatment.Should you return full time or part time According to the American Cancer Society,a great number of workers who receive a (21) of cancer do retum to their jobs during or after treatment. (22) ,it’s better to come back in stages rather than all at once.Doctors (23) working two or three days the first week and then returning to full time from there, (24) ,on the energy level.After all,you can’t just walk into the office and expect to (25) .at the same level you did before treatment.Just because you are healthy enough to go back to work doesn’t mean you are necessarily ready to work eight hours (26) .a roW.
What if you have to come back full time for financial reasons How do you (27) .feeling sick or tired on the job You’d better be
A. symptom
B. diagnosis
C. cure
D. result
[多项选择]Question 4
· You are Ronald Young, property manager of your company. Write a memo to Mr. Philip Green, managing director of the company, about geophysical surveys.
· Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.
[简答题]Question 2
· You are Financial Advisor to a toy manufacturer。You have been asked to write a proposal about money management in the coming financial crisis.
· Write the proposal.including the following points:
——refinement of your business processes,
——re-evaluation of your creditors and debtors,
——setting aside of savings for the worst times.

[填空题]If you are frustrated at work you should not reveal your emotion to others.


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