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发布时间:2023-11-17 23:38:52

[单项选择]Passage Three
One of Microsoft’s cool people, is Patrick Blackburn. As a test manager for the Product Group, Blackburn’s job may sound routine; however, he says it’s anything but that.
"Most people ,think of software testing as a mundane task of punching the keyboard like a monkey, trying to break the program," Blackburn says. "Part of that is true, but we write software programs called Monkeys to do that for us so that we don’t have to hire real monkeys. Real monkeys are too difficult to manage and don’t usually pass the personal hygiene criteria !" In reality, Blackburn says, testing responsibilities are very technically challenging and often include complete development cycles of their own. He spends most of his time coming up with creative incentives to convince his team to believe in schedules for products that don’t yet exist, hiring
A. a routine and mundane job
B. technically challenging
C. like a monkey punching keyboard
D. partly done by monkeys

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[单项选择]Passage Three
One of Microsoft’s cool people, is Patrick Blackburn. As a test manager for the Product Group, Blackburn’s job may sound routine; however, he says it’s anything but that.
"Most people ,think of software testing as a mundane task of punching the keyboard like a monkey, trying to break the program," Blackburn says. "Part of that is true, but we write software programs called Monkeys to do that for us so that we don’t have to hire real monkeys. Real monkeys are too difficult to manage and don’t usually pass the personal hygiene criteria !" In reality, Blackburn says, testing responsibilities are very technically challenging and often include complete development cycles of their own. He spends most of his time coming up with creative incentives to convince his team to believe in schedules for products that don’t yet exist, hiring
A. managing real monkeys to do the testing
B. designing test papers used to test prospective employees
C. finding faults with the products before they go to market
D. convincing his team of the interesting aspects of their job
[单项选择]From the perspective of disease, we are all one people on this planet, divided by risk more on the basis of wealth than of geography. This flu will not be deadly for 99.9 percent of those it infects, and that’s a good thing not only for infected individuals like me but for the world as a whole. Why Because we have utterly flailed the globalization test in our response to H1N1. The most effective tool in fighting flu is a good vaccine, and the pharmaceutical industry is working on manufqcturing supplies right now. According to the World Health Organization. about 1 billion doses of H1N1 vaccine have been ordered worldwide. But more than 1/2 billion people live on Earth. From the get - go, some 85 percent of the world’s population wil be excluded from what, were this a virulent (危险的,迅速致命的) influenza, would be the primary life- sparing medicine. Worse, those 1 billion orders have been prioritized, with the wealthiest nations at the top of the list. This effectively means that before New Y
A. Indifferent
B. Critical
C. Neutral
D. Supportiv
[单项选择]We object______ punishing a whole group for one person’’s fault.
A. against
B. about
C. to
D. for

Passage Three
One of the simple pleasures of a lazy summer day is to be able to enjoy a refreshing slice of watermelon either at the beach, at a picnic, or fresh from the farmer’s market. Delicious and nutritious, watermelon is one of those guilt-free foods we can all enjoy: one cup of watermelon packs only about 50 calories! Watermelons are not only cooling treats for when the mercury starts to rise; they are also loaded with healthy nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, lycopene (番茄红素 ), and etc. Vitamins A and C and lycopene are antioxidants, which are substances that work to help get rid of the harmful effects of substances.
Research has suggested that a diet high in fruits and vegetables that have plenty of antioxidants can reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers, and some other dangerous diseases. A cup of watermelon provides 25% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and 6% of the recommended daily value of vitamin A. Ad
A. it is delicious
B. it is nutritious
C. it contains low calories
D. it contains antioxidants

[单项选择]Passage Three
An ethics crisis at one of the world’s most successful human embryonic stem cell laboratories has plunged the controversial field of research into a new swirl of uncertainty. The accusations surrounding Korean cloning expert Woo Suk Hwang of Seoul National University--the first scientist to grow stem cells inside cloned human embryos--has already killed a spate of planned studies that sought to prove the cells’ medical potential. The claims that Hwang may have obtained human eggs for his studies from women who felt pressured to donate are also reigniting a long-smoldering debate in the United States over the ethics of paying young women for their eggs, which are difficult to obtain but essential to the production of stem cells tailored to individuals.
Egg donation, which is generally safe but occasionally leads to serious and
A. Hwang paid the women for their eggs in his studies.
B. The charge of Hwang re-activized the debate in U. S..
C. The debate in U. S. is about whether or not pay for eggs.
D. The planned studies will continue without interruption.
[单项选择]She has three brothers. One is in Beijing, but ______ are in Shanghai.
A. the others
B. anothers
C. others
[单项选择]Passage Three
The phoenix was one of the most magnificent birds that ever lived. Unfortunately for bird watchers, the grand phoenix lived only in the imaginations of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians.
According to Greek mythology, only- one phoenix at a time lived on earth. The phoenix, a male, was brightly colored, with gold and red feathers. Legend has it that the single bird lived for exactly 500 years. Just before it was to die, it would build a nest, The mythical bird’s last task was to sit patiently on the nest, waiting for the sun to start the dry twigs burning and set the nest ablaze. But as the proud phoenix sacrificed itself in flame, a tiny worm would crawl from beneath the ashes. This worm grew in to a new phoenix. Its first task was to gather up its father’s ashes and bury them in the temple of the Egyptian sun god in Heliopolis, the City of the Sun. Each reborn phoenix lived out the remainder of its life in Arabia.
Today, the phoenix symboli
A. with the use of facts
B. in a humorous way
C. in an unclear way
D. step-by-step


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