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发布时间:2023-12-07 18:20:40

[简答题]To Americans, polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expressions of excitement or disgust, shock or sadness. (Passage 3)

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[简答题]To Americans, polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expressions of excitement or disgust, shock or sadness. (Passage 3)
[填空题] Chinese Americans
Chinese Americans are an ethnic minority in the
US. They used to be discriminated.
1. The history of Chinese immigrants
1) The first group of Chinese arrived during the
California (1) ______ in 1849. Their success invited (1)______
envy. They had to earn a living by doing the (2)______ (2)______
for the white miners, setting up restaurants, working as
farmhands or as (3) (3)______
2) The second group of Chinese arrived in the
early (4)______as laborers to construct the (4)______
(5)______ (5)______
3) After World War Two, more Chinese
were permitted to settle in America.
4) Today’s Chinese Americans are mostly the (6) (6) ______
______ of the first two groups of immigrants.
2. Some of their noteworthy characteristics as part
of the

What do cars give Americans They give Americans ______.
[单项选择]  第一篇   How Americans See Themselves   Americans do not usually see themselves, when they are in the United States, as representatives of their country. They see themselves as individuals who are different from all other individuals, whether those others are Americans or foreigners. Americans may say they have no culture, since they often think of culture as an overlay of customs to be found only in other countries. Individual Americans may think they chose their own values, rather than having had their value forced on them by the society in which they were born. If you ask them to tell you something about “American culture”, they may be unable to answer and they may even deny that there is an “American culture”.   Because they think they are responsible as individuals for having chosen their basic values and their way of life, many Americans don’t like generalizations others make about them. Generalizations disturb Americans. They may be unhappy with the thought that they hold cert
A. representatives of their country
B. people different from person to person
C. individuals much the same as foreigners
D. individuals that share the same values and way of life.
[多项选择]Meetings 开会用语
Polite words 客气话
[单项选择]It is important to sound polite when answering the phone, whoever it is from.
A. 在电话中回答他人问题时要礼貌有加,并问明是谁打来的,这一点很重要。
B. 接听重要电话时要彬彬有礼,问明是谁打来的。
C. 不管电话是谁打来的,都应礼貌接听,这一点很重要。
D. 很重要的一点是,在电话中回答问题时应礼貌有加,无论是谁打来的。
Too Polite for Words

A Japanese colleague the other day was talking about a meeting with a man whom she abruptly described using the English word "jerk". I thought she was toning down her Japanese for my benefit, so I asked her how to say "jerk" in Japanese.
"There’s no such word, "she answered helplessly. "We have to use ’jerk’". Heaven knows it’s not as if there are no jerks in Japan. But the Japanese language is just not made for sniping at people. At first, I thought maybe my Japanese teachers had been too polite to teach me the real lingo, so I watched to see what Japanese drivers would say to each other after a car accident. It turned out that they say: "I’m sorry. "Gradually I came to realize that there is perhaps no language so ill suited to invective as Japanese. Linguistically, these guys are wimps.
Take the vicious Japanese insult "kisama, "which is deeply offensive. It means: "your honorable self. "That’s rig
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned


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