发布时间:2024-07-31 19:17:32


Marriage guidance counsellors never stop hearing it. "He (or she) never listens," warring couples complain, again and again, as if they were chanting a mantra(吟颂祷文) . And it is the same at work. Bosses say it of executives they are displeased with, and the executives return the compliment with interest when complaining about their bosses. Customers say it about suppliers who have cocked up, and suppliers—having patiently explained why on this occasion they cannot provide exactly what is wanted—say the same about their customers. Like married couples, we all shout the accusation at others, pretending that we ourselves are faultless.
Yet in our hearts we know many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven’t listened sufficiently carefully. We get things wrong because we haven’t quite understood what was wanted, or haven’t sussed out(推断出) the implications of what we were told. Anyone who has ever written the minutes of a long
A. not to interrupt speakers no matter whatever happens
B. not to be furious with whatever a speaker says
C. to observe the speaker carefully
D. to watch the speaker’s body language carefully

更多"Marriage guidance counsellors never"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Marriage guidance counsellors never stop hearing it. "He (or she) never listens," warring couples complain, again and again, as if they were chanting a mantra(吟颂祷文) . And it is the same at work. Bosses say it of executives they are displeased with, and the executives return the compliment with interest when complaining about their bosses. Customers say it about suppliers who have cocked up, and suppliers—having patiently explained why on this occasion they cannot provide exactly what is wanted—say the same about their customers. Like married couples, we all shout the accusation at others, pretending that we ourselves are faultless.
Yet in our hearts we know many of the mistakes we make come about because we haven’t listened sufficiently carefully. We get things wrong because we haven’t quite understood what was wanted, or haven’t sussed out(推断出) the implications of what we were told. Anyone who has ever written the minutes of a long meeting will know how hard it is to remember—eve
A. mean they cannot obtain what they want
B. mean that he/she should take the blame
C. are really displeased with him/her
D. feel regretful at his/her behaviour
[单项选择]Speaker A: I’’m seventy-eight, but I never stop jogging every evening. Speaker B: You’’re seventy-eight No kidding.______
A. You certainly don’t look at it.
B. You certainly don’t look like it.
C. You certainly don’t look it.
D. You certainly don’t look into it.
[单项选择] Polls can provide important guidance for politicians, but there are times when it is foolish and dangerous to rely on a temporarily misinformed public for a political compass. The current debate over Social Security provides one of the most compelling examples in modem history of the pitfalls of poll-driven political strategy. Yesterday two leading Democratic strategists publicly took their party to task for their" just say no" approach to President Bush’’s program. "To say there is no problem simply puts Democrats out of the conversation for the great majority of the country that want political leaders to secure this very important retirement program," they warned, "Voters are looking for reform, change, and new ideas, but Democrats seem stuck in concrete." Stuck, indeed. To be more exact, they are holding their ground and refusing to surrender to a president who is once again manufacturing a "crisis" for a political purpose. And why should they do otherwise, when this stra
A. There is no point in worrying about the solvency of the Social Security program.
B. The majority of the public will accept the Social Security program in the near future.
C. Only the baby boomers should worry about the future days when they grow old.
D. The Democrats attack the Social Security program in order to question its solvency.
[单项选择]Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people_______.
A. do
B. hear
C. do them
D. hearing it
[单项选择]For those who have hearing problems telephones with volume controls provide the best ( ).
A. result
B. reply
C. response
D. solution
[单项选择]Social psychologists arc used to hearing that their experiments are a waste of time because they just prove the obvious, and tell us what we always knew. But there is a very simple and effective riposte to this accusation. The trouble with folk-wisdom (what we always knew) is that it tends to come in pairs of statements, both of which are obviously’ true, but which—unfortunately—are mutually exclusive. For example, birds of a feather flock together, but what about the attraction of opposites Experiments may not be as much fun as intuitions, but they sometimes tell us which proverbs are actually true, or (moor often) in what circumstances which apply.
There is one other preconception to be removed before tackling the question of whom we like and love, whom we find attractive and make friends with: "Why bother to study an area in which we are all expert practitioners" Well, ff you believe that, have a word with a marriage guidance counselor, a psychiatrist, or someone involved in in
A. it is only possible if a wide variety of experts are employed
B. it is too complex a subject to be scientifically investigated
C. no one has any difficulty in making friends
D. we believe we are capable of dealing with it ourselves


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