发布时间:2024-07-28 23:45:33


Is the outcome in a monopolistically (垄断地) competitive market desirable from the standpoint of society as a whole Can policymakers improve on the market outcome There are no simple answers to these questions.
One source of inefficiency is the markup (涨价) of price over marginal cost. Because of the markup, some consumers who value the good at more than the marginal cost of production (but less than the price) will be deterred (被阻止) from buying it. Thus, a monopolistically competitive market has the normal deadweight loss of monopoly .pricing.
Although tins outcome is clearly undesirable compared to the first-best outcome of price equal to marginal cost, there is no easy way for policymakers to-fix the problem. To enforce marginal-cost pricing, policymakers would need to regulate all firms that produce differentiated products. Because such products are so common in the economy, the administrative burden of such regulation would be overwhelming. Moreover, the regulat
A. Because such products are so common in the economy.
B. Because there is no easy way for policymakers to fix the problem.
C. Because they want to enforce marginal-cost pricing,
D. Because monopolistic competitors are making zero profits.

更多"Is the outcome in a monopolisticall"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Is the outcome in a monopolistically (垄断地) competitive market desirable from the standpoint of society as a whole Can policymakers improve on the market outcome There are no simple answers to these questions.
One source of inefficiency is the markup (涨价) of price over marginal cost. Because of the markup, some consumers who value the good at more than the marginal cost of production (but less than the price) will be deterred (被阻止) from buying it. Thus, a monopolistically competitive market has the normal deadweight loss of monopoly .pricing.
Although tins outcome is clearly undesirable compared to the first-best outcome of price equal to marginal cost, there is no easy way for policymakers to-fix the problem. To enforce marginal-cost pricing, policymakers would need to regulate all firms that produce differentiated products. Because such products are so common in the economy, the administrative burden of such regulation would be overwhelming. Moreover, the regulating monopoli
A. Some consumers who also estimate the value of the good at more than the marginal cost of production.
B. Some consumers who estimate the price of the good at more than the marginal cost of the production.
C. Some consumers who have a high opinion of the good at more than the marginal cost of the production.
D. Some consumers who estimate the worth of the good at more than the marginal cost of the production.
[单项选择]BIM Technologies Inc. is a large firm in a competitive industry. The company has above-average investment opportunities and its return on investments has been above the company"s required rate of return. In addition, BIM has invested heavily in fixed assets and technology to reduce its production costs. The company has also increased its advertising budget substantially to establish a strong brand image for its products. From the above description, BIM is best characterized as a
A. cyclical company that follows a low-cost strategy.
B. speculative company that follows a differentiation strategy.
C. growth company that follows a defensive competitive strategy.
[多项选择][2011年多选]在资本主义社会里,银行垄断资本和工业垄断资本密切地融合在一起,产生了一种新型的垄断资本,即金融资本。在金融资本形成的基础上,产生了金融寡头。金融寡头操纵,控制社会的主要方式有( )
A. 通过“参与制”实现其在经济领域中的统治
B. 通过同政府的“个人联合”实现其对国家机器的控制
C. 通过政策咨询机构影响和左右内外政策
D. 通过新闻媒体实现国民思想意识的一元化
A. 通过“参与制”实现其在经济领域中的统治
B. 通过同政府的“个人联合”实现其对国家机器的控制
C. 通过政策咨询机构影响和左右内外政策
D. 通过新闻媒体实现国民思想意识的一元化
A. 垄断价格是垄断组织凭借其垄断地位规定的市场价格
B. 垄断价格等于成本价格加垄断利润
C. 垄断价格的产生否定了价值规律
D. 垄断价格包括垄断高价和垄断低价两种形式
A. 是垄断组织凭借垄断地位规定的能保证获取高额垄断利润的市场价格
B. 包括垄断高价和垄断低价
C. 改变了价值规律的作用形式
D. 是垄断组织对商品价值进行有利于垄断资本的再分配的工具


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