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发布时间:2023-10-08 19:56:27

[简答题]It is proposed that the practice of separating students into science and liberal arts classes in senior high schools should be banned. The divided syllabus of liberal arts and science doesn’t conform to the policy of nurturing students with comprehensive abilities.
Topic: Is a divided syllabus reasonable
Questions for Reference:
1. Different students have different strong subjects and weak ones. Is it reasonable to make all the students learn the same subjects at the same level What’s your suggestion
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the division
3. What will the students in the senior high schools feel about it

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[单项选择]Practice, practice, practice. Studying a word won’t help very much if you quickly forget it. The saying" practice makes perfect" is certainly true in vocabulary learning. Research shows that it takes from 10 to 20 repetitions of a word to really make it a part of your vocabulary. It helps to write down the word—both the definition and a sentence using it—perhaps on an index card, where it can be easily reviewed. Review your index cards regularly to see if you have forgotten any new words.
Repeating a new word less than 10 times, a learner is likely to
A. remember it.
B. forget its meaning.
C. know how to use it.
D. know its spellin
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表 stu_ grade
 101  王林  90
 102  李向东  70
 …  …  …
 109  何健  99

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场次 字符型(20)
时间 日期型
裁判 字符型(15)
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[单项选择]Predication analysis is proposed by British linguist
A. N. Chomsky.
B. G. Leech.
C. C. M.K. Halliday.
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President Bush has proposed adding optional personal accounts as one of the central elements of a major Social Security reform proposal. Although many details remain to be worked out, the proposal would allow individuals who choose to do so to divert part of the money they currently pay in Social Security taxes into individual investment accounts. Individuals would have a choice of fund managers, and the return that they earn from those accounts would then partially determine the Social Security benefit they receive when they retire.
Individual accounts pose a number of important and complex design and implementation issues, including how to lower the cost of administering accounts so that they do not erode the value of pensions that individuals receive when they retire, how many and what kinds of fund choices
[单项选择]President Bush has proposed adding optional personal accounts as one of the central elements of a major Social Security reform proposal. Although many details remain to be worked out, the proposal would allow individuals who choose to do so to divert part of the money they currently pay in Social Security taxes into individual investment accounts. Individuals would have a choice of fund managers, and the return that they earn from those accounts would then partially determine the Social Security benefit they receive when they retire.
Individual accounts pose a number of important and complex design and implementation issues, including how to lower the cost of administering accounts so that they do not erode the value of pensions that individuals receive when they retire, how many and what kinds of fund choices should be offered, and how to engage workers in choosing funds.
In the late 1990s, Sweden added a mandatory individual accounts tier to its public pension system. This
A. People can transfer some money from their investment accounts to the Social Security taxes
B. The return people earn from their accounts can decide their social benefit decisively
C. People can spent more on investment and meanwhile receive more benefit in the future
D. These accounts will determine how much people can receive in their lives

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You are to write in three parts: In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement. In the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.


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