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发布时间:2024-08-24 22:27:17

[填空题]It is the feathers that (able) ______ a bird to fly.

更多"It is the feathers that (able) ____"的相关试题:

[填空题]It is the feathers that (able) ______ a bird to fly.
[单项选择]BIRD-X offers pest bird control products to, control and get rid of birds.
A. compel
B. propel
C. repel
D. dispel
[单项选择]The word bird used to mean "young bird"; today it means "any kind of bird". This is called ______ in terms of semantic change.
A. broadening B. narrowing C. meaning shift D. class shift

[单项选择]A. Birds use their beaks to clean their feathers.
B. Preening is very important to birds.
C. The habits of birds are interesting.
D. How birds clean their feathers.
[单项选择]The feathers of birds (not only) protect their skin from injury and conserve (body heat), but also (function) in flight, courtship, camouflage, and sensory (perceptive).
A. not only
B. body heat
C. function
D. perceptive
[单项选择] Bird Brains
Cracking Walnuts
The scene: a traffic light crossing on a university campus in Japan. Carrion crows and humans line up patiently, waiting for the traffic to halt. When the lights change, the birds hop in front of the cars and place walnuts, which they picked from the adjoining trees, on the road. After the lights turn green again, the birds fly away and vehicles drive over the nuts, cracking them open. Finally, when it’s time to cross again, the crows join the pedestrians and pick up their meal.
Biologists already knew the corvine family--it includes crows, ravens, rooks, magpies and jackdaws--to be among the smartest of all birds. But this remarkable piece of behavior would seem to be a particularly acute demonstration of bird intelligence. Researchers believe they probably noticed cars driving over nuts fallen from a walnut tree overhanging a road. The crows already knew about dropping
A. kindness of people
B. harmonious living conditions
C. ecological stability
D. bird intelligence
[简答题] Bird Flu: Communicating the Risk The recommendations listed below are grounded in two convictions(信念): that motivating people to start taking bird flu seriously should be a top priority for government health departments, and that risk communication principles provide the best guidance on how to do so. Start where your audience starts. Telling people who believe X that they ought to believe Y naturally provokes resistance. You can’’t ignore X and just say YY-Y-Y-Y. You can’’t simply tell people they’’re wrong. You’’ve got to start where they are, with X, and empathically explain why X seems logical, why it’’s widely believed, why you used to believe it too...and why, surprisingly, Y turns out to be closer to the truth. The biggest barrier to sounding the alarm about bird flu is that it’’s flu usually seen as a ho-hum(漠不关心的) disease. It would help if people stopped calling every minor respiratory infection "a touch of the flu" but that’’s n


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