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发布时间:2023-10-07 20:42:40

[单项选择]The opposite of adaptive divergence is an interesting and fairly common expression of evolution. Whereas related groups of organisms take on widely different characters in becoming adapted to unlike environments in the case of adaptive divergence. We find that Unrelated groups of organisms exhibit adaptive convergence when they spot similar modes of life or become suited for special sorts of environments. For example, invertebrate marine animals living firmly attached to the sea bottom or to some foreign object tend to develop a sub- cylindrical or conical form. This is illustrated by coral individuals, by many sponges, and even by the diminutive tubes of bryozoans. Adaptive convergence in taking this coral-like form is shown by some brachiopods and pelecypods that grew in fixed position. More readily appreciated is the streamlined fitness of most fishes for moving swiftly through water; they have no neck, the contour of the body is smoothly curved so as to give minimum resistance, and
A. whale and dolphin
B. halibut and whale
C. ichthyosaurs and dolphins
D. invertebrate marine animals and vertebrate marine animals

更多"The opposite of adaptive divergence"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The opposite of adaptive divergence is an interesting and fairly common expression of evolution. Whereas related groups of organisms take on widely different characters in becoming adapted to unlike environments in the case of adaptive divergence. We find that Unrelated groups of organisms exhibit adaptive convergence when they spot similar modes of life or become suited for special sorts of environments. For example, invertebrate marine animals living firmly attached to the sea bottom or to some foreign object tend to develop a sub- cylindrical or conical form. This is illustrated by coral individuals, by many sponges, and even by the diminutive tubes of bryozoans. Adaptive convergence in taking this coral-like form is shown by some brachiopods and pelecypods that grew in fixed position. More readily appreciated is the streamlined fitness of most fishes for moving swiftly through water; they have no neck, the contour of the body is smoothly curved so as to give minimum resistance, and
A. whale and dolphin
B. halibut and whale
C. ichthyosaurs and dolphins
D. invertebrate marine animals and vertebrate marine animals
[单项选择]The opposite of adaptive divergence is an
interesting and fairly common expression of evo-
lution. Whereas related groups of organisms take
Line on widely different characters in becoming
(5) adapted to unlike environments in the case of
adaptive divergence, we find that unrelated
groups of organisms exhibit adaptive convergence
when they adopt similar modes of life or become
suited for special sorts of environments. For
(10) example, invertebrate marine animals living firm-
ly attached to the sea bottom or to some foreign
object tend to develop a subcylindrical or conical
form. This is illustrated by coral individuals, by
many sponges, and even by the diminutive tubes
(15) of bryozoans. Adaptive convergence in taking this
coral-like form is shown by some brachiopods
and pelecypods that grew in fixed position. More
A. modern mammalian life forms that are aquatic
B. species of slightly greater mobility than brachiopods
C. air-breathing reptiles closely related to fish
D. organisms that have evolved into fishlike forms
E. (E) invertebrate and vertebrate marine animals
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The opposite of the classroom
[单项选择]Stress can be defined as an adaptive response, mediated by individual characteristics and/or psychological processes, that is a consequence of any external action, situation, or event that places special physical and/or psychological demands upon a person. This definition includes three concepts important to the overall study of stress: (a) situational demands or stressors cause persons to adapt; (b) individuals tend to react and adapt in different ways to the stressors they are presented, and (c) some form of physical and/ or psychological responses will occur. Therefore, internal characteristics may determine physical and emotional responses exhibited by individuals as a result of stressors. There are two distinct types of stressors, those without and within. Without stressors originate outside individuals and include such things as environmental or work-related demands. Within stressors are those from within individuals. These stressors tend to include individuals’ personal values
A. Situational demands.
B. Different ways of reaction and adaptation.
C. Forms of one’s different responses.
D. Individuals’ tendency to the stressors.


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