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发布时间:2024-07-31 01:05:19

Month Temperatures
January 32,14,24,28
April 45,50,58,47
June 76,80,74,79
August 84,95,100,89
November 48,43,39,42
In a set of measurements,the range isdefined as the greatest measurement minusthe least measurement.According to thetable above,during the first four days ofwhich month was the range oftemperatures at noon the greatest
A. January
B. April
C. June
D. August
E. November

更多"Month Temperatures January 32,14,2"的相关试题:

[单项选择]For America’s colleges, January is a month of reckoning. Most applications for the next academic year beginning in the autumn have to be made by the end of December, so a university’s popularity is put to an objective standard: how many people want to attend. One of the more unlikely offices to have been flooded with mail is that of the City University of New York (CUNY), a public college that lacks, among other things, a famous sports team, pastoral campuses and boisterous parties (it doesn’t even have dorms), and, until recently, academic credibility.
A primary draw at CUNY is a programmer for particularly clever students, launched in 2001. Some 1, 100 of the 60,000 students at CUNY’s five top schools receive a rare thing in the costly world of American colleges: free education. Those accepted by CUNY’s honors programmer pay no tuition fees; instead they receive a stipend of $7, 500 (to help with general expenses) and a laptop computer. Applications for early admissions into ne
A. It has started to enjoy a high academic position.
B. The students often have get-togethers.
C. Its campuses are small and crowded.
D. In terms of sports, it is mediocre.

The Month of January offered those who track the ups and downs of the U. S. economy 92 significant data releases and announcements to digest. That’s according to a calendar compiled by the investment bank UBS. The number doesn’t include corporate earnings, data from abroad or informal indicators like, say, cardboard prices (a favorite of Alan Greenspan’s back in the day). It was not always thus. "One reads with dismay of Presidents Hoover and then Roosevelt designing policies to combat the Great Depression of the 1930s on the basis of such sketchy data as stock price indices, freight car loadings, and incomplete indices of industrial production," writes the University of North Carolina’s Richard Froyen in his macroeconomics textbook.
But that was then The Depression inspired the creation of new measures like gross domestic product. (It was gross national product back in those days, but the basic idea is the same. ) Wartime planning needs
A. met with disapproval
B. face strong criticism
C. won warm welcome
D. gained high appreciation

[填空题]Latitiude affects climate by lowering temperatures as the height above sea level increases.,

[单项选择]Experiments show that different temperatures have different __________ on human feelings.
A. results
B. troubles
C. endings
D. effects
[填空题]Higher temperatures in the United States have encouraged disease-carrying organisms which spread ______ such as malaria.


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