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发布时间:2024-09-08 22:07:26

[单项选择]The tragic impact of the modern city on the human being has killed his sense of aesthetics, the material benefits of a wealthy society have diverted his attention from his city and its cultural potentials to the products of science and technology: washing machines, central heating, TV sets, computers and cars.
He is a car driver and reluctant to walk. Without adequate parking facilities, the streets are littered with cars. Congestion (堵塞) has become the predominant factor in his environment, and statistics suggest that two cars per household may make matters worse.
Meanwhile, insult is added to injury by "land value". The value of land results from its use. When its use is intensified, its value rises. "Putting land to its highest and best use" becomes the principal economic standard in urban growth. This speculative approach and the pressure of increasing population leads to the "vertical" growth of cities with the result that people are forced to adjust themselves to co
A. city congestion
B. city planning
C. decentralization
D. land values in cities

更多"The tragic impact of the modern cit"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The tragic impact of the modern city on the human being has killed his sense of aesthetics, the material benefits of a wealthy society have diverted his attention from his city and its cultural potentials to the products of science and technology: washing machines, central heating, TV sets, computers and cars.
He is a car driver and reluctant to walk. Without adequate parking facilities, the streets are littered with cars. Congestion (堵塞) has become the predominant factor in his environment, and statistics suggest that two cars per household may make matters worse.
Meanwhile, insult is added to injury by "land value". The value of land results from its use. When its use is intensified, its value rises. "Putting land to its highest and best use" becomes the principal economic standard in urban growth. This speculative approach and the pressure of increasing population leads to the "vertical" growth of cities with the result that people are forced to adjust themselves to co
A. city congestion
B. city planning
C. decentralization
D. land values in cities
[填空题]A French architect designed a modern Indian city, named ____________________.
[填空题]Coping with Stress
In modern times, we human beings have to use thoughts and actions to deal with stressful situations and lower our stress levels. Many people have a characteristic way of coping with stress based on their personality. People who cope well with stress tend to believe they can personally influence what happens to them. They usually make more positive statements about themselves, resist frustration, remain optimistic, and persevere even under extremely adverse circumstances. Most importantly, they choose the appropriate strategies to cope with the stressors (紧张性刺激) they confront. Conversely, people who cope poorly with stress tend to have somewhat opposite personality characteristics, such as lower self-esteem and a pessimistic outlook on life.
Coping strategies
Psychologists distinguish two broad types of coping strategies: problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping. The goal of both strategies is to control one’s stress level. In


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