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发布时间:2024-07-31 05:24:54

[单项选择]I don’t like to disturb you, because you’re quite tired ( )_ working hard today.
A. of
B. with
C. out
D. on

更多"I don’t like to disturb you, becaus"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I don’t like to disturb you, because you’re quite tired ______ today.
A. of
B. with
C. out
D. on
[单项选择]()seems like you’re tired. Why don’t you rest for a while
A. This  
B. It
C. That  
D. They
[单项选择]If you’re like most people, you’re way too smart for advertising. You skip right past newspaper ads, never click on ads online and leave the room during TV commercials.
That, at least, is what we tell ourselves. But what we tell ourselves is wrong. Advertising works, which is why, even in hard economic times, Madison Avenue is a 34 billion-a-year business. And if Martin Lindstrom--author of the best seller Buyology and a marketing consultant for Fortune 500 companies, including PepsiCo and Disney--is correct, trying to tune this stuff out is about to get a whole lot harder.
Lindstrom is a practitioner of neuromarketing (神经营销学) research, in which consumers are exposed to ads while hooked up to machines that monitor brain activity, sweat responses and movements in face muscles, all of which are markers of emotion. According to his studies, 83% of all forms of advertising principally engage only one of our senses: sight. Hearing, however, can
A. ads are a waste of time
B. ads are unavoidable in life
C. they are easily misled by ads
D. they are not influenced by ads
[单项选择]Nothing impresses quite like a handwritten personal note. Textbooks on business management stress that point, but writing anything in longhand takes time, and busy people never have enough of that. It occurred to Prannoy Roy, India’s leading pollster and the founder of small New Delhi-based software firm called Statart Software, that computers could be taught to do the job. Two years ago, Roy brought together several young software engineers to see if a computer could provide the personal touch of a handwritten note by imitating a person’s script. The answer will be on computer-shop shelves across the U. S. this month: a program called MyScript, which will sell for $199.
Roy, who is applying for a U. S. patent, is convinced that MyScript is the first program of its kind. It is also one of the first Indian computer programs—if not the very first—to go on the market in the U. S. Several American companies, including Texas Instruments and Hewlett Packard, entered into software-deve
A. teach people how to write in longhand
B. instruct busy people how to save time in writing
C. present letters in one’s handwriting
D. turn a person’s script into printed form
[单项选择]If you’re like 67% of Americans, you’re currently overweight or obese. If you’re like 27%, your blood pressure is too high. If you’re like a whopping 96% of the population, you may not be able to recall the last time you had a salad, since you’re one of the hundreds of millions of Americans who rarely eat enough vegetables. And what you do eat, you don’t burn off - assuming you’re like the 40% of US who get no exercise. Most troubling of all, if you’re like any parent of any child anywhere in the world, you may be passing your health habits to your children, which explains why experts fear that this generation of American kids may be the first ever to have a shorter life span than their parents do.
What is the percentage of Americans who do not do physical exercise,9
A. 67%
B. 27%
C. 96%
D. 40%
[填空题]You may not like English. If you don’t like English, you are not{{U}} (11) {{/U}}-- many people{{U}} (12) {{/U}}it. Yes, English is difficult. It is difficult because it is not your{{U}} (13) {{/U}}tongue. However, English is important for you. It is{{U}} (14) {{/U}}in life. So you should learn the language. English can be fun and{{U}} (15) {{/U}}. Hopefully, you will learn to like it.


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