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发布时间:2024-07-30 19:06:49

[单项选择]Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers ______ to increase the sales of industrial products.
A. have been used B. will be used
B. is being used D. has been used

更多"Advertising media like direct mail,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Advertising media like direct mail, radio, television and newspapers()to increase the sales of industrial products.
A. have been used
B. will be used
C. is being used
D. has been used
[多项选择]The mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people’s ideas. To what extent do you agree or degree with this statement Give reasons in an essay on the topic "The Great Influence of Mass Media". You should write 160—200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
[简答题]The news media consists of newspapers, radio and television. 2. The invention of the radio had a tremendous influence on the world. 3. Television, the most recently developed means of communication, allows us to see as well as hear the news.
[填空题]I like to listen to the radio much better than (watch) ______ television.
[单项选择]Customer: I’d like to mail this box to Californi
A. Customer: I guess surface mail is fine. Do you want to insure itB. How do you want to mail itC. What can I do for youD. Where will you mail to
[单项选择]What kind of music does the mail like best
A. Light music.
B. English songs.
C. American songs.

W: I’d like to mail this package to Minneapolis.
M: How would you like to send it
W: By express, please.
M: OK. Let’s see. It’s twelve pounds, so that’ll be ten dollars and eighty-one cents.
W: Ten eighty-one
M: Yes. That’s a pretty heavy package you’ve got there.
W: Hmm. I guess it is. It’s a crystal punch bowl I’m sending.
M: Well, it can be sent parcel post, if you want.
W: How long will that take
M: About twelve days.
W: And how much will it cost
M: Let’s see. Twelve pounds.., to Minneapolis. That’ll cost five ninety-four.
W: OK. I’ll send it parcel post.

How much will the package cost if it is sent by express ()
A. $12.
B. $10.18.
C. $5.94.
D. $10. 81.

W: I’d like to mail this package to Minneapolis.
M: How would you like to send it
W: By express, please.
M: OK. Let’s see. It’s twelve pounds, so that’ll be ten dollars and eighty-one cents.
W: Ten eighty-one
M: Yes. That’s a pretty heavy package you’ve got there.
W: Hmm. I guess it is. It’s a crystal punch bowl I’m sending.
M: Well, it can be sent parcel post, if you want.
W: How long will that take
M: About twelve days.
W: And how much will it cost
M: Let’s see. Twelve pounds.., to Minneapolis. That’ll cost five ninety-four.
W: OK. I’ll send it parcel post.

What is in the package ()
A. A crystal punch bowl.
B. A crystal cup.
C. A crystal glass.
D. A small crystal statue.
[单项选择]What kind of music does the mail like best
[A] Light music. [B] English songs. [C] American songs.
[单项选择]Radio and Television
Radio and television were major agents of social change in the 20th century. Radio was once the center for family entertainment and news and television enhanced this revolution by adding sight to sound. Both opened the windows to other lives, to remote areas of the world, and to history in the making. News coverage changed from early and late editions of newspapers to broadcast coverage from the scene. Play-by-play sports broadcasts and live concerts enhanced entertainment coverage. For many, the only cultural performances or sports events they would ever hear or see would come from the speakers or the screens in their living rooms. Each has engaged millions of people in the major historical events that have shaped the world.
If people could look at the sky and see how it is organized into frequency" bands used for different purposes, they would be amazed. Radio waves crisscross (十字形) the atmosphere at the speed of tight, delivering incredible
A. Television and radar.
B. Modulated light and a scanning wheel.
C. Superior television camera.
D. Microphones and loudspeakers.


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