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发布时间:2023-10-17 04:49:33


Have you seen any good movies lately Chances are that you saw it on a video cassette recorder, also known as a VCR. In the past few years VCRs have become cheap enough that many people can easily rent or even own one. These VCRs in the home have many uses; they give us much more freedom in watching our favorite movies and television programs. After being connected to any TV set, a VCR allows us to record a television program and watch it again - as many times as we like - in the future. Many video cassette recorders can record programs when we aren’t home or even while we are watching another program on the same television. Most of all, people use VCRs to watch their favorite movies already recorded on a video cassette. These video cassette movies are often called "videos". Almost every movie you can think of has been made into a video; while these videos can be bought at a price between 30 mad 100 dollars, most people prefer to rent them from "video stores&q

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Have you seen any good movies lately Chances are that you saw it on a video cassette recorder, also known as a VCR. In the past few years VCRs have become cheap enough that many people can easily rent or even own one. These VCRs in the home have many uses; they give us much more freedom in watching our favorite movies and television programs. After being connected to any TV set, a VCR allows us to record a television program and watch it again - as many times as we like - in the future. Many video cassette recorders can record programs when we aren’t home or even while we are watching another program on the same television. Most of all, people use VCRs to watch their favorite movies already recorded on a video cassette. These video cassette movies are often called "videos". Almost every movie you can think of has been made into a video; while these videos can be bought at a price between 30 mad 100 dollars, most people prefer to rent them from "video stores&q

[简答题]{{B}}Tell me about a film you have seen. You should say: what the title of the film was and where you saw it what the story (plot) involves whether you have seen other films by the same director and explain how you feel about this film.{{/B}} You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
[单项选择]Have you seen Henry lately My boss wants to know ______ .
A. how he is getting along
B. how is he getting along
C. what he is getting along
D. what is he getting along

You may have seen this when you tried to open a new bank or credit card account and you were presented with some multiple choice questions asking you to verify where you got your ()or car loan.

A. complication
B. revenue
C. mortgage
D. chasm
[单项选择]—Have you got any good ideas for the project yet
—Yes, I’ve just ()something wonderful.
A. gone in for
B. got along with
C. come up with
D. made up for
[单项选择]She () not have seen you yesterday, for she was not there.
A. might
B. could
C. should
D. must

W: Don’t you have any good news
M: No. Yesterday, I had to stay after school, because I was talking during my biology teacher’s class.
W: You’d better keep quiet during class.
M: Sometimes I do. The day before yesterday, I was very quiet during my history teacher’s class and I still had to stay after class.
W: I don’t understand.
M: Because I fell asleep during his class. But it wasn’t my fault. The lesson was very dull.
W: I advise you to take school more seriously. If you don’t pass your exam, you’ll have to go out and work as a result.
M: I don’t see that it makes much difference. If I have a job, I have to do dull work every day, but if I’m in school, I must listen to dull teachers every day.

What is the possible relationship between the two speakers()
A. Good friends.
B. Mother and son.
C. Teacher and student.

W: Don’t you have any good news
M: No. Yesterday I had to stay after school because I was talking during my science teacher’s class.
W: You’d better keep quiet during class.
M: Sometimes I do. The day before yesterday, I was very quiet during my history teacher’s class and I still had to stay after school.
W: Why
M: Because I fell asleep in his class, but it was not my fault. His class Was too boring.
W: I advise you to take school more seriously. If you don’t pass your exam, you’ll have to go out and work as a result.
M: But I think working is more interesting than having boring classes every day.

What did the boy often do at school()
A. He was often late for school.
B. He often fell asleep in class.
C. He often stayed after school.


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