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发布时间:2024-02-05 00:57:14

[单项选择]The process that the word "donate" comes from "donation" is called()
A. blending
B. backformation
C. clipping
D. derivation

更多"The process that the word 'donate' "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The process that the word "donate" comes from "donation" is called
[A] blending [B] backformation
[C] clipping [D] derivation
[填空题]The word "plastic" comes from the Greek word "plastikos" and is used to describe something which can be easily shaped. You will see what a{{U}} (36) {{/U}}name this is for "plastics". No other{{U}} (37) {{/U}}in the history of the world has been used for so many different{{U}} (38) {{/U}}. But what special qualities do plastics have The{{U}} (39) {{/U}}of plastics is one of their most{{U}} (40) {{/U}}qualities. Think how easy it is to lift plastic{{U}} (41) {{/U}}! Think, too, how light plastic containers are! A{{U}} (42) {{/U}}man can carry many more plastic containers than containers made of wood or{{U}} (43) {{/U}}or glass. It is quite extraordinary how many different kinds and qualities of plastics there are.{{U}} (44) {{/U}}They can be made so strong that they will last almost for ever, or so thin and cheap{{U}} (45) {{/U}}They can be made as clear as glass or completely black.{{U}} (46) {{/U}}.They can even be made to look like wood or leather or ru
Personality comes from the Latin word "persona" which means "mask". Thus, it can be said that personality is a ’ mask’ a person wears to face the world. No two persons are identical in terms of personality. A person’s tastes and ideas add to the colors of his or her personality. Effectively, personality is the outward reflection of a person’s inner self. If John is a person who likes to give to the less fortunate, people will remember him as a kind person. In a sense, personality is the colors of a person.
In the normal walk of life, we come across people who are more popular than others. Popularity is a subjective phenomenon and many a sociologist is still trying to figure out what makes for popularity. A person with a bright personality is usually more popular than a person with a dull personality, right Beautiful people are usually more popular
A. we have to face the world with masks
B. personality can be shown through one’s actions
C. people’s personalities are all fixed through their life
D. people’s personalities are totally different from each other
[单项选择]The word "bankruptcy" comes from banes rotta, Italian for broken bench. The custom was that when a medieval trader failed to pay his creditors, his trading bench was broken. Since bankruptcy was taken off the street and put into the statute book, it has become rather more complicated.
Bankruptcy is as necessary for capitalism as profit; together they make up the stick and carrot which persuade businessmen to work. In Europe the accountants and lawyers who make a living from overseeing bankrupt companies expect the coming year to provide a bumper crop; in America bankruptcy courses are among the most popular at business schools. Only in Japan are experts talking about a possible decline in bankruptcies.
Analyzing companies involves much the same task worldwide: look at the accounts and you will get some idea of how much or how little money a firm makes. Bankruptcy laws, however, vary enormously from country to country, mainly because each starts from different historical persp
A. Big bankers.
B. Small trade creditors.
C. Shareholders.
D. Debt-holders.


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