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发布时间:2023-11-14 00:16:29

[单项选择]Passage ThreeA. Information in short-term memory is different from that in long-term memory only in content.
B. Long-term memory can be achieved only by training.
C. It is easier to test short-term memory than long-term memory.
D. Henning gave a test on vocabulary to his subjects.

更多"Passage ThreeA. Information in shor"的相关试题:

Passage One
Passage One
I have an infatuation(迷恋)with autumn. The colors of the season, and the smells, have always thrilled me. I have always found joy in this time of year. The last few autumns of my life, however, I recollect in shades of gray rather than cheerful oranges and yellows.
When I became a single mother, every aspect of life took on new meaning. Since I was used to carrying out most of the parental duties without much help during my marriage, I truly did not foresee how different parenting would become after the marriage was over. But suddenly I realized I was a statistic. The daily routine was not changed so much; it was the angle at which I had begun to look at life.
I believed my ex-husband’s lawyer was tracking every grade the children made, and I was under a microscope in this new town where the children and I
A. The author moved to a new place.
B. The climate changed greatly in the last few years.
C. In the last few years, the author’s mood changed.
D. There were some natural disasters.
[简答题]Passage 1
I am delighted to be with you. I first visited China 22 years ago, but this is my first visit to your university, in a city whose students have helped shape the development of modem China. So I am privileged to have the opportunity to share ideas about U.S.-China relations in the modem era of globalization with people who will, I expect, help write Chinese history -- through deeds and words -- in the 21st century.//
It was the students of Beijing who in May 1919 protested the Treaty of Versailles’ failure to expel Japanese occupiers from China. In that action, the source of the May 4 Movement, Beijing’s students not only made a bold statement about China’s freedom from foreign occupation and right to self-determination. They also ushered in the era of modern China, taking a decisive step toward China’s emergence from imperial rule and stagnation. I think it is useful to begin our exchanges about the future from the vantage point of what happened almost a
[单项选择]Passage Two I have closely watched my generation, known as The Millennials, for 29 years now. Joe Stein wrote an extensive piece on Millennials and he remains rather optimistic about our potential. I hesitate to share his optimism because of a paradox (矛盾的现象) we seem to exhibit, namely, that there are more avenues for us to entertain ourselves than ever before, yet we are more bored than ever before. Entertainment has never been more varied. We have more cable channels, television shows, and movies than ever before. Internet providers allow instant viewing of almost any movie or television program ever created. Social drinking and partying are also widely available for Millennials. Every generation develops these habits at a certain age, but Millennials seem to be extending this phase of life as they postpone marriage. Some of this is undoubtedly due to the Great Recession. Millennials are having a difficult time finding jobs; only 47 percent of
A. They show little interest in entertainment.
B. They are not confident about their ability.
C. They enjoy an easy life due to high technology.
D. They may not have bright prospects for success.
[单项选择]Passage Five
I was introduced to the concept of literacy animator in Oladumi Arigbede’s (1994) article on high illiteracy rates among women and school dropout rates among girls. According to Arigbede, literacy animators view their role as assisting in the self-liberating development of people in the world who are struggling for a more meaningful life. Animators are a family of deeply concerned and committed people whose gut-level rejection of mass human pauperizafion compels them to intervene on the side of the marginalized. Their motivation is not derived from a love of literacy as merely another technical life skill, and they accept that literacy is never culturally or ideologically neutral.
Arigbede writes from her experiences as an animator working with women and men in Nigeria. She believes that literacy animators have to make a clear
A. individualism
B. collectivism
C. competition
D. immersion
Passage Four

I expect this course to open my eyes to story material, to unleash my too dormant imagination, to develop that quality utterly lacking in my nature—a sense of form. I do not expect to acquire much technique. I expect to be able to seize upon the significant, reject the trivial. I hope to acquire a greater love for humanity in all its forms.
I have long wondered just what my strength was as a writer. I am often filled with tremendous enthusiasm for a subject, yet my writing about it will seem a sorry attempt. Above all, I possess a driving sincerity—that prime virtue of any creative worker. I write only what I believe to be the absolute truth—even if I must ruin the theme in so doing. In this respect I feel far superior to those glib people in my classes who often garner better grades than I do. They are so often pitiful frauds-artificial-insincere. They have a line that works. They do no


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