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发布时间:2023-10-12 02:52:50


In Kansas City, Missouri, a computer helps fire fighters. The computer, which works very fast, has information about every one of the 350,000 street addresses in the city. Within two or three seconds after a call is received, the computer provides necessary information for the fire fighters. The information is then sent to them by the radio from the computer center in City Hall. The exact place of the burning and its size, type and anything else are clear to them.
The Kansas City computer system also has a medical record of each of the city’s 900 fire fighters. This kind of information is especially useful when a fire fighter is injured. With the information, doctors at the hospital can treat the injured fire fighters more quickly and easily.
The fire fighters themselves greatly appreciate (感激) the computer help. They know about possible danger ahead of them and can prepare for them. Many times the computer information helps to save lives and
A. Larger Computer in Kansas, Missouri.
B. Computers Help Fire Fighters.
C. Important Information for Fire Fighters.
D. The Speed of the Computers.

更多"B In Kansas City, Missouri, a comp"的相关试题:


In Kansas City, Missouri, a computer helps fire fighters. The computer, which works very fast, has information about every one of the 350,000 street addresses in the city. Within two or three seconds after a call is received, the computer provides necessary information for the fire fighters. The information is then sent to them by the radio from the computer center in City Hall. The exact place of the burning and its size, type and anything else are clear to them.
The Kansas City computer system also has a medical record of each of the city’s 900 fire fighters. This kind of information is especially useful when a fire fighter is injured. With the information, doctors at the hospital can treat the injured fire fighters more quickly and easily.
The fire fighters themselves greatly appreciate (感激) the computer help. They know about possible danger ahead of them and can prepare for them. Many times the computer information helps to save lives and
A. The fire fighters.
B. The computer.
C. The policeman.
D. The map.

In Kansas City, Missouri, a computer helps fire fighters. The computer, which works very fast, has information about every one of the 350,000 street addresses in the city. Within two or three seconds after a call is received, the computer provides necessary information for the fire fighters. The information is then sent to them by the radio from the computer center in City Hall. The exact place of the burning and its size, type and anything else are clear to them.
The Kansas City computer system also has a medical record of each of the city’s 900 fire fighters. This kind of information is especially useful when a fire fighter is injured. With the information, doctors at the hospital can treat the injured fire fighters more quickly and easily.
The fire fighters themselves greatly appreciate (感激) the computer help. They know about possible danger ahead of them and can prepare for them. Many times the computer information helps to save live
A. Larger Computer in Kansas, Missouri.
B. Computers Help Fire Fighters.
C. Important Information for Fire Fighters.
D. The Speed of the Computers.

In Kansas, Missouri, a computer helps firefighters. The computer contains information about everyone of the 350,000 street addresses in the city. When a firefighter answers a call, the computer gives him important information about the burning building. The computer can give the location of the building and its size, type and content.
In fact, the computer system has almost unlimited ways of helping firefighters with their problems. For example, it can give medical information about invalids (老弱病残) living in a burning building.
The speed of a computer is amazing (惊人的). Within 2 or 3 seconds after a call is received, the computer provides necessary information for the firefighters. The information is then sent to them by the radio from the computer center in the city hall.
The Kansas City Computer System also contains a medical record of each of the city’s 900 firefighters. This kind of information is especially useful when a firefighter is injured. W
A. The location and size of the building.
B. The type and content of the building.
C. The height and structure of the building.
D. The medical information of the firefighters.


The Newhouse shelter in Kansas City has helped thousands of abused women and their children over the past 37 years. But last month, the women were forced to move out and the staff started looking for new jobs. The reason was simple. While the need was there, the money was not. Dwindling charitable contributions tied to a broad U.S. economic slowdown mean fewer resources and hard choices for charities across the country.
"People are holding tight to their money," said Newhouse President Leslie Caplan, who estimated charitable contributions were down $200,000 this year compared to last year. That, combined with cuts in government grants, has severely squeezed the center’s $1.3 million budget.
As Americans struggling with rising unemployment and home foreclosures turn to charities for help, charities themselves are running into financial difficulties as donations dwindle. They are being forced to increase their outreach, hold more fund-raising
A. the problem of unemployment worsened in U. S.
B. U. S. charities are affected by weak economy
C. gender discrimination is still a big issue in U. S. job market
D. the future for U.S. economy is grey


Fire Instructions
The Person Discovering a Fire Will:
1) Operate the nearest fire alarm. (This will cause the Alarm Bells to ring, and also send a signal to the telephone switchboard operator who will immediately call the fire Brigade).
2) Attack the fire with available equipment, if it is safe to do so.
Fire Alarm Bells
The Fire Alarm Bells will ring either in the area of A block (workshops and Administration Offices) or in the area of B Block (Teaching) and C Block (Sports Hall). Those in the area where the Alarm Bells are ringing should take action as indicated below. Others should continue with their work.
On Hearing Your Fire Alarm:
1) Those in class: will go to the Assembly Area under the instructions given by the teacher.
2) Those elsewhere: will go to the Assembly Area by the most sensible route, and stay near the head of their Department.
Assembly Area
The Assembly
A. Look for the fire-fighting equipment.
B. Go quickly to the Assembly area.
C. Go to the Reception Desk.
D. Carry on with the work you are doin


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