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发布时间:2023-11-04 22:14:20

[填空题]It is my great honor ______ (代表公司将这份礼物赠送给您).

更多"It is my great honor ______ (代表公司将这"的相关试题:

[单项选择]it’s my great honor()to give a speech at the opening ceremony.
A. to invite
B. inviting
C. having invited
D. to be invited
[单项选择]It’s my great honor ______ to give a speech at the opening ceremony.
A. to invite
B. inviting
C. having invited
D. to be invited
[简答题]Passage 1
It is a great honor for me to speak at one of China’s great academic institutions -- one that is helping to revive and maintain your country’s historic tradition of leading the world in science and technology, and one whose alumni are to be found in positions of leadership throughout the country. Here, as in so many other places in China, no visitor can help feeling the excitement of a great country developing at breakneck speed, and every day opening up new vistas of knowledge and opportunity to its citizens. You can be really proud of your country and what it has achieved in the last 25 years.//
As I look out over the young faces in this audience I cannot help envying the international students -- more than a thousand, I am told, from over 50 countries -- who have the privilege of sharing your learning experience here. It reminds me for a moment of my own student days, when my country, Ghana, was newly independent. We felt we were suddenly reaching out
[填空题]It is a great honor for him (elect)()president of the students union once again.
[简答题]Thank you,Mr. Black. It’s a great honor to be appointed as Overseas Sales Manager. To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise to me. I’d like to think it’s mainly the contribution of the whole team.I’d like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their support and hard work. Due to their efforts, we’ve started some overseas project successfully. Looking to the future, I’d still like to maintain contact with everyone, even though I’ll be working at the management level.
[填空题]It is a great honor for him (elect)______president of the students union once again.
[简答题]{{B}}Passage 1{{/B}} It is a great honor for me to speak at one of China’s great academic institutions -- one that is helping to revive and maintain your country’s historic tradition of leading the world in science and technology, and one whose alumni are to be found in positions of leadership throughout the country. Here, as in so many other places in China, no visitor can help feeling the excitement of a great country developing at breakneck speed, and every day opening up new vistas of knowledge and opportunity to its citizens. You can be really proud of your country and what it has achieved in the last 25 years.// As I look out over the young faces in this audience I cannot help envying the international students -- more than a thousand, I am told, from over 50 countries -- who have the privilege of sharing your learning experience here. It reminds me for a moment of my own student days, when my country, Ghana, was newly independent. We felt we were suddenly reaching out to
[填空题]I feel it a great honor______(被邀请在这里发言)about natural selection.
[简答题]2008年2月28日,第十一届全国人大代表资格的审查报告获得通过。透过这份名单会发现,在全部代表中,省级政府组成部门领导干部代表比上届减少了三分之一。更大的亮点在于,一线工人代表比上届增加了七成以上。其中,三位女性农民工代表进入最高国家权力机关,成为历届全国人大代表中的首批农民工代表。 请谈谈你对这一变化的看法。 答题要求: (1)运用掌握的法学知识阐释你的观点和理由; (2)说理充分,逻辑严谨,语言流畅,表达准确; (3)答题文体不限,字数不少于500字。
A. 清算
B. 股份转移
C. 融资收购
D. 管理层收购
[单项选择]依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是( )。
A. 垂询 苍茫 工效
B. 征询 苍莽 工效
C. 征询 苍茫 功效
D. 垂询 苍莽 功效
A. 法院应驳回施工队的诉讼请求,因甲公司与施工队无合同关系
B. 法院应支持施工队的诉讼请求
C. 法院应当追加乙公司和丙公司为本案当事人
D. 法院可以追加乙公司和丙公司为本案当事人
[多项选择]甲公司将自己所有的10台机器出租给了乙公司,乙公司未经其同意,将其低价出售给知情的丙公司,丙公司又将其出租给丁公司。丁公司对上述交易过程完全不了解。下列选项正确的是( )。
A. 丙、丁之间的租赁合同有效
B. 甲公司有权请求丁公司返还机器,并且无须补偿其任何损失
C. 甲公司有权请求丁公司返还机器,但是应补偿其损失
D. 甲公司无权请求丁公司返还机器,但是丁公司应当补偿甲公司的损失
[判断题]某外国代表团访问我国时,将该国特产的水果作为赠送我国的礼物,该批水果可以免予检疫。( )


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