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发布时间:2023-11-27 06:09:05

[单项选择]During the admission interview, a client reports that she frequently has nightmares and memories of a rape that occurred 3 years ago. She feels depressed and asks the nurse, "Do you think I will ever get better I don’t know what is wrong with me. " The nurse’s most supportive response would be()
A. "It sounds like you have some unresolved pain about the trauma. Take time here to talk and allow yourself to heal. "
B. "I’m not sure what is wrong, but the medication will help you soon enough. "
C. "It’s important to talk to your physician about an issue such as this. "
D. "Don’t feel bad; the treatment will help you. "

更多"During the admission interview, a c"的相关试题:

[单项选择]During a client’s chemotherapy regimen for breast cancer, which is important for the nurse to include in her plan of care()
A. Instruct the client to consume plenty of raw fruits and vegetables.
B. Take rectal temperatures for greater accuracy.
C. Tell the client to avoid crowds and infected individuals.
D. Ask friends and relatives not to visit during the course of chemotherapy.
[单项选择]A client with coronary artery disease reports intermittent chest pain that occurs with exertion. The physician prescribes sublingual nitroglycerin. When teaching the client about nitroglycerin administration, the nurse should include which instruction()
A. "Be careful after taking nitroglycerin because it may cause dizziness. "
B. "Make sure you replace your nitroglycerin tablets every 6 months to ensure potency. "
C. "A burning sensation after taking nitroglycerin indicates medication potency. "
D. "When you experience chest pain, take one tablet every 30 minutes until the pain is relieved. "
[单项选择]A client reports a severe headache shortly after a lumbar puncture for a myelogram. What would be the nurse’s best response()
A. Increase the client’s fluid intake.
B. Administer prescribed antihypertensives.
C. Offer roll lenses to the client.
D. Place cooling packs over the lumbar puncture site.
[单项选择]A client reports substernal chest pain. Test results show electrocardiograph changes and an elevated cardiac troponin level. Which of the following should be the focus of nursing care()
A. Improving myocardial oxygenation and reducing cardiac workload.
B. Confirming a suspected diagnosis and preventing complications.
C. Reducing anxiety and relieving pain.
D. Eliminating stressors and providing a nondemanding environment.
[单项选择]A psychotic client reports to the evening nurse that the day nurse put something suspicious in his water with his medication. The nurse replies, "You’re worried about your medication" The nurse’s communication is()
A. an example of presenting reality.
B. reinforcing the client’s delusions.
C. focusing on emotional content.
D. a nontherapeutic technique called mind reading.
[单项选择]The physician inserts a chest tube into a client to treat a pneumothorax. The tube is connected to water-seal drainage. The nurse can prevent chest tube air leaks by()
A. keeping the chest drainage system below the level of the chest.
B. keeping the head of the bed slightly elevated.
C. checking and taping all connections.
D. checking patency of the chest tube.
[单项选择]A client who is 7 months pregnant reports severe leg cramps at night. Which nursing action would be most effective in helping her cope with these cramps()
A. Suggesting that she walk for 1 hour twice per day.
B. Advising her to take over-the-counter calcium supplements twice per day.
C. Teaching her to dorsiflex her foot during the cramp.
D. Instructing her to increase milk and cheese intake to 8 to 10 servings per day.
[单项选择]A client reports losing his job, not being able to sleep at night, and feeling upset with his wife. The nurse responds to the client, "You may want to talk about your employment situation in group today. " The nurse is using which therapeutic technique()
A. Restating.
B. Making observations.
C. Exploring.
D. Focusing.
[单项选择]While evaluating the needs of a client during the second trimester, the nurse can anticipate which of the following()
A. Feelings of disbelief and ambivalence.
B. Feelings of clumsiness and "ugliness".
C. Increasing introspection but a general sense of well-being.
D. Anxiety about the labor and delivery experience.
[单项选择]During a private conversation, a client with borderline personality disorder asks the nurse to "keep my secret" and then displays multiple self-inflicted, superficial lacerations on the forearms. What is the nurse’s best response()
A. "This type of behavior requires you to be on suicide precautions. "
B. "I’m going to tell your physician. Do you want to tell me why you did that"
C. "Tell me what type of instrument you used. I’m concerned about infection. "
D. "Whenever something important occurs in treatment, the team needs to know about it. I’ll have to tell the others, but let’s talk about it first. "
[单项选择]During the assessment stage, a client with schizophrenia leaves his arm in the air after the nurse has taken his blood pressure. Which of the following explains his action( )
A. Somatic delusions.
B. Waxy flexibility.
C. Neologisms.
D. Nihilistic delusions.
[单项选择]The nurse is caring for a client during the fourth stage of labor. Which of the following nursing interventions would be LEAST appropriate()
A. Catheterization to protect the bladder from trauma.
B. Perineal assessments for swelling and bleeding.
C. Vital signs and fundal checks every 15 minutes.
D. Time with the neonate to initiate breast-feeding.
[单项选择]When caring for a client during the second stage of labor, which action would be least appropriate()
A. Assisting the client with pushing.
B. Ensuring the client’s legs are positioned appropriately.
C. Allowing the client clear liquids.
D. Monitoring the fetal heart rate.
[单项选择]During a conversation with the client, the nurse observes the client shaking his leg and tapping his fingers on the table next to him. The nurse’s best statement is.( )
A. "I’ll get you something to help you feel less anxious. "
B. "I know that you feel anxious. Let’s discuss something more pleasant. "
C. "I see that you’re anxious. I’ll be back later when you’re calmer. "
D. "I noticed that your leg is shaking and you’re tapping your fingers on the table. How are you feeling now/
[单项选择]During the assessment of a geriatric client, a nurse would expect which findings()
A. Eye structure and visual acuity changes.
B. Facial hair decreasing in a female client.
C. Facial hair increasing in a male client.
D. Wounds healing more quickly.
[单项选择]During her first prenatal visit, a client expresses concern about gaining weight. Which of the following would be the nurse’s best action()
A. Ask the client how she feels about gaining weight and provide instructions about expected weight gain and diet.
B. Be alert for a possible eating problem and do a further in-depth assessment.
C. Report the client’s concerns to her caregiver.
D. Ask her to come back to the clinic every 2 weeks for a weight check.


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