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发布时间:2023-11-04 21:11:09

[单项选择]Chatwin has devoted his life to a kind of Grail quest, hoping to prove—by study and direct experience with primitive people—that human nature is gentle and defensive rather than ______ , and that man is ______, not a predator.
A. belligerent...an apostate
B. martial...a crusader
C. aggressive...a pilgrim
D. truculent...a gladiator
E. pugnacious...a pawn

更多"Chatwin has devoted his life to a k"的相关试题:

[单项选择]This ten-year-old boy lost his life ( ) his classmate in the water.
A. trying to save
B. tried to save
C. to try saving
D. to try to save
Every Dog Has His Say

Kimiko Fukuda always wondered what her dog was trying to say. Whenever she put on makeup, it would pull at her sleeve. (1) When the dog barks, she glances at a small electronic gadget (装置). The following "human" translation appears on its screen: "Please take me with you." "I realized that’s how he was feeling," says Fukuda.
The gadget is called Bowlingual, and it translates dog barks into feelings. People laughed when the Japanese toymaker Takara Company made the world’s first dog-human translation machine in 2002. But 300,000 Japanese dog owners bought it. (2)
"Nobody else had thought about it," said Masahiko Kajita, who works for Takara. "We spend so much time training dogs to understand our orders; what would it be like if we could understand dogs "
Bowlingual has two parts. (3) The translation is done in the gadget using a database containing every kind of
[单项选择]The teacher has his students ( ) a composition every other week.
A. to write
B. written
C. writing
D. write
[单项选择]After Chambers was named CEO, has his public persona changed
A. That has changed a lot in the past years.
B. There is no change at all.
C. There is a little change, but not very much.
[单项选择]Freshwater life itself has never come easy in the Middle East. Ever since The Old Testament (旧约全书), God punished man with 40 days and 40 nights of rain. Water supplies here have been dwindling. The rainfall only comes in winter and drains quickly through the semiarid land, leaving the soil to bake and to thirst for next November.
The region’s accelerating population, expanding agriculture, industrialization, and higher living standards demand more freshwater. Drought and pollution limit its availability. War and mismanagement waste it. Said Joyce Start of the Global Water Summit Initiative, based in Washington, D.C. "Nations like Israel and Jordan are swiftly sliding into that zone where they are suing all the water resources available to them. They have only 15 to 20 years left before their agriculture, and ultimately their food security, is threatened."
I came here to examine this crisis in the making, to investigate fears that "water wars" are imminent, that water has
A. develop other enterprises that cost less water
B. draw a plan of irrigation for the various nations
C. import water from water-rich nations.
D. stop wars of any sort for good and all
[单项选择]Bob Hatfield, CFA, has his own money management firm with two clients. The accounts of the two clients are equal in value. Hatfield has been trading on the clients’ behalf with a single brokerage firm for several years. Because of his many years of business, the brokerage firm occasionally gives Hatfield shares in an initial public offering (IPO) to sell to his clients. Hatfield has a policy of allocating the IPO shares equally between the portfolios of the two clients. This policy is :()
A. congruent with Standard Ⅲ (C), Suitability.
B. a violation of Standard Ⅲ (C), Suitability.
C. a violation of Standard Ⅲ (B) , Fair Dealing.
[多项选择]As a Romantic poet, Shelley has his own literary style. What’s it


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