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发布时间:2023-12-01 01:40:54

[单项选择]In the beginning, your kids need you—a lot. They’re attached to your hip, all the time. It might be a month. It might be five years. Then suddenly yon are expected to send them off to school for seven hours a day, where they’ll have to cope with life in ways they never had to before. You no longer control what they learn, or how, or with whom. Unless you decide, like an emerging population of parents in cities across the country, to forgo that age-old rite of passage entirely.
When Tera and Eric Schreiber’s oldest child was about to start kindergarten, the couple toured the high-achieving public elementary school a block away from their home in an affluent Seattle neighborhood near the University of Washington. It was "a great neighborhood school," Tera says. They also applied to a private school, and Daisy was accepted. But in the end they chose a third path: no school at all.
Eric, 38, is a manager at Microsoft. Tera, 39, had already traded a career as a lawyer for one as a
A. Daisy is 5 years older than Violet.
B. Daisy will receive homeschooling at last.
C. Daisy was rejected by the private school applied.
D. Daisy is the oldest daughter in Eric and Tera family.

更多"In the beginning, your kids need yo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the beginning, your kids need you—a lot. They’re attached to your hip, all the time. It might be a month. It might be five years. Then suddenly yon are expected to send them off to school for seven hours a day, where they’ll have to cope with life in ways they never had to before. You no longer control what they learn, or how, or with whom. Unless you decide, like an emerging population of parents in cities across the country, to forgo that age-old rite of passage entirely.
When Tera and Eric Schreiber’s oldest child was about to start kindergarten, the couple toured the high-achieving public elementary school a block away from their home in an affluent Seattle neighborhood near the University of Washington. It was "a great neighborhood school," Tera says. They also applied to a private school, and Daisy was accepted. But in the end they chose a third path: no school at all.
Eric, 38, is a manager at Microsoft. Tera, 39, had already traded a career as a lawyer for one as a
A. homeschooling is a choice of religious families
B. homeschooling is becoming a new fashion
C. it is still a rare choice to study at home
D. many of homeschoolers are highly educated
[填空题]Young school-age kids need reading to their parents, but it is not necessary for them to read together with their parents.
Having Kids Makes You Happy

When I was growing up, our former neighbors, whom we’ll call the Sloans, were the only couple on the block without kids. It wasn’t that they couldn’t have children; according to Mr.Sloan, they just chose not to. All the other parents, including mine, thought it was odd-even tragic. So any bad luck that happened to the Sloans--the egging of their house one Halloween; the landslide(山崩) that sent their pool careering to the street below-was somehow attributed to that fateful decision they’d made so many years before. "Well," the other adults would say, "you know they never did have kids." Each time I visited the Sloans, I’d search for signs of insanity, misery or even regret in their super clean home, yet I never seemed to find any. From what I could tell, the Sloan
A. Signs showing they were miserable.
B. Satisfaction of being childless.
C. Candy dish that was always full.
D. A super clean home.


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