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发布时间:2024-07-31 18:55:17

[单项选择]The days ______ shorter in autumn.
A. do
B. gets
C. get

更多"The days ______ shorter in autumn."的相关试题:

[单项选择]The cold is bad enough, but winter’s shorter days make the season a downer, to say the least. But how real is seasonal affective disorder (known as SAD)
SAD is often a catch-all term to describe the winter dumps, but experts say it’s often misused and the condition is actually less common than people think. "There are a lot of myths. SAD is not a myth. It is a mental disorder that is incompletely understood and also something that is complicated by questions about the role of evolutionary biology," says Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, the president of the American Psychiatric Association.
That diagnosis is different from the lows that many feel during the winter months. In fact, research shows many people overestimate the impact of seasons on their moods in general.
Where is the line between SAD and the simple doldrums How much winter sadness is the product of a mood-based disorder, and how much is a natural outcome of being cooped up indoors SAD is considered a subtype of a mood
A. common condition among people
B. term referring to the winter dumps
C. term not being totally understood
D. term of evolutionary biology

The days are getting shorter and the house-price forecasts are dropping faster than the last of the autumn leaves. Forecasts of a price crash, which began life as a minority view, are now banging in the middle of the mainstream.
(41) ______.
One of the most aggressive interest-rate forecasts is from John O’Sullivan at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein. He expects the Bank of England to cut the base rate to 40% by the end of next year in efforts to limit the house-price drop to 5%.
(42) ______. But these things can change rapidly.
The shift in rate expectations, particularly among City econ0mists, has been dramatic, and it is reflected in the currency markets. (43) ______.
The other impact of housing will be on firms, particularly retailers. The Bank has been working hard to try to prove that housing and consumer spending have "decoupled", because the final two years of the boom in house prices coincided with a softening of spen

[单项选择]The days ______ shorter in autumn.
A. do
B. gets
C. get
[单项选择]A) 15 days. B) 17 days. C) 19 days. D) 21 days.
[填空题]Nowadays, pharmaceutical sales reps have shorter visits with the doctor than those in the past because

[单项选择]A. 13 days B. 30 days C. 33 days D. 23 days


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