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发布时间:2023-12-16 23:04:48


M: Good morning. Can I help you
W: Hello. My name’s Jill Bush. I’m planning to go to a conference in Sydney for three weeks.
M: I see. Do you want the excursion fare or the full return fare
W: Now, can I get a stopover on an excursion fare
M: Yes, you are allowed only one stopover on the excursion fare.
W: Oh, I see, only one.
M: Yes. But of course, if you pay the full return fare then you can have unlimited stopovers. There’s Singapore, Kuwait, Athens, you’ve really got quite a lot of choices you know.
W: Oh, It sounds good. You see. I’ve got a two-week holiday after the conference. How much is the full fare
M: The full fare Well, that’s really quite a lot. It’s £ 1,204.
W: Yes. Well, it’s once in a lifetime, you know. The thing is actually that I’m absolutely afraid of flying. I’ve never done it before.
M: Oh dear. Um...
W: And I&rs
A. 1,402 pounds.
B. 1,204 pounds.
C. 2,104 pounds.
D. 4,102 pounds.

更多"M: Good morning. Can I help you W"的相关试题:


M: Good morning. Can I help you
W: Hello. My name’s Jill Bush. I’m planning to go to a conference in Sydney for three weeks.
M: I see. Do you want the excursion fare or the full return fare
W: Now, can I get a stopover on an excursion fare
M: Yes, you are allowed only one stopover on the excursion fare.
W: Oh, I see, only one.
M: Yes. But of course, if you pay the full return fare then you can have unlimited stopovers. There’s Singapore, Kuwait, Athens, you’ve really got quite a lot of choices you know.
W: Oh, It sounds good. You see. I’ve got a two-week holiday after the conference. How much is the full fare
M: The full fare Well, that’s really quite a lot. It’s £ 1,204.
W: Yes. Well, it’s once in a lifetime, you know. The thing is actually that I’m absolutely afraid of flying. I’ve never done it before.
M: Oh dear. Um...
W: And I&rs
A. Sightseeing in Australia and the Far East.
B. Visiting a friend in Cairo.
C. Attending a conference in Sydney.
D. Shopping in Hong Kong.


W: Surgery. Can I help you
M: Good afternoon. My name’ s Jack Smith. I want to make an appointment with Dr. Johnson, please.
W: Yes, of course, Mr. Smith. May I have your address, please
M: 232 Kings Road, S.E. 20.
W: Yes, we have you on our records. Can you manage this afternoon
M: I’m afraid not. I can manage tomorrow.
W: I’m afraid Dr Johnson’s not on duty tomorrow. He’ll be here the day after tomorrow. That’s Friday, March 28th.
M: Fine.
W: Will 5: 30 be all fight
M: Well, yes.

Who is Jack Smith( ).
A. A close friend of Dr. Johnson.
B. A regular patient of Dr. Johnson.
C. A new patient of Dr. Johnson.
D. An old patient of Dr. Johnson.
[填空题]A good boss can give you strategies to help his employees be brave.


M: Good morning!
W: Good morning! Can I help you
M: Yes. (8)Are there any tickets left for the Japanese concert on the 28th, please
W: Sorry. The concert is on the 30th.
M: Really I read about in the paper today
I’m sure it said the Japanese
concert is on the 28th.
W: (9)Oh, sorry. I thought you said the jazz concert.
The Japanese concert is on the 28th. There are only back seats left.
M: That’s OK. Can I have two, please
W: Yes. How would you like to pay for these
M: (10)Cash. Here is 60 pounds.
W: Thank you! And here are your tickets.
M: Thanks.

What kind of ticket is tile man going to buy ()
A. Movie tickets.
B. Concert tickets.
C. Museum tickets.
D. Opera tickets.

M: Good morning! Can I help you, Madam
W: Good morning! I’m looking for a coat.
M: What color would you like
W: Could you show me some I’d like a middle-sized red coat.
M: Sorry. We haven’t anything of your size.
W: Do you have a smaller size
M: I’m sorry. The small size coats have just been sold out. How about the blue one It looks nice and perhaps fits you.
W: Well, may I try it on
M: Yes, please.
W: It seems nice on me. How much is it
M: 168 yuan.
W: OK. Here is 170 yuan, please.
M: Your change, please. Thank you.
W: You may keep the change. Good-bye.
M: Thank you ! Good-bye !

What color did she want ( )
A. Blue.
B. Green.
C. Red.


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