发布时间:2023-10-08 14:06:05

[单项选择]Family education has a great ______ on children in many ways.
A. result
B. danger
C. disadvantage
D. effect

更多"Family education has a great ______"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Family education has a great () on children in many ways.
A. result
B. danger
C. disadvantage
D. effect
[单项选择]Family education has a great ______ on children in many ways.
A. result
B. danger
C. disadvantage
D. effect
[单项选择]Physical education is of great importance, but we must not neglect the culture of mind.
A. 体育很重要,但我们不能忽视心灵的陶冶。
B. 物理教育很重要,但我们不能忽视思想文化的教育。
C. 体育很重要,但我们不能忽视精神文明。
D. 体育很重要,但我们不应该忽视智力教育。
[单项选择]Apart from caring for her children, she has to take on such heavy () housework as carrying water and firewood.
A. time-consumed
B. timely-consumed
C. time-consuming
D. timely-consuming
[填空题]The family breakup has caused some economic loss to the British government each year.

[判断题]The change in family size has affected the size of houses needed.

Music education can increase children’s academic skills.

For a small island Great Britain has a great length of coastline, and there is no place in the whole country which is more than three hours’ journey by car from the sea. The coast is very varied, with perhaps the best parts in the southwest of England and in the west of Scotland. The coast of Devon and Cornwall, in the south-west, is much indented (向内陆凹进), with many sheltered bays and fine rough points of land extending out into the sea. With so large a population on so small an island the best parts of the coast are inevitably rather crowded during the summer, but much of Devon and Cornwall is still unspoiled, with many picturesque (风景如画的) fishing villages. The other parts of the coast are less dramatic, being partly fiat and partly steep.
In the parts nearest to great centres of population big seaside-resort (海淀胜地) towns have grown up. Four of these, Brighton, Bournemouth and Southend in the south, and Blackpool in the north-west, have become important towns thems
A. a week
B. a fortnight
C. 3 hours or less
D. more than 3 hours

[填空题]The problem of children violence has been discussed thoroughly in the
wake of last week’s tragedy in Arkansas. Some discussions center in easy 62. ______
access to guns, exposure m TV violence, and parents’ divorce. However, many
children have access to guns and don’t kill their classmates. Most children get 63. ______
immersed in the phony (假冒的) violence of television don’t injure others.
And more than half of the country’s children have to deal with living with just
one parent at some point in their lives and the vast minority of them can adjust 64. ______
So what is the root cause of violence in children What turns a bright-eyed
infant in the need of love and safety into a juvenile killer Researchers 65. ______
have found that very young children that witness anger and violence in their
homes are far more prone to violence later in life to other children. They’ve 66. ______
also shown th


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