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发布时间:2023-11-22 03:28:33

[单项选择]A. To work for better welfare system.
B. To get involved in community issues.
C. To have eco-friendly school buildings.
D. To regulate the teaching methods.

更多"A. To work for better welfare syste"的相关试题:


Work looks a better cure for poverty than welfare Especially as fewer and fewer countries will be able to afford to pay potential workers to stay at home a Victorian idea is back in favour: many poor people are better off when they are pulled back into the labour market. The idea revived first in the United States. There, in its harshest form, the unemployed work in exchange for welfare. But countries with governments to the left of America’s, including Labour Australia and Socialist France, are now also exploring ways to link income support and employment policy.
Coming from different directions, the right and the left are gradually finding new common ground. For the right, it seems deplorable to encourage the poor to rely on the state for cash, because they get hooked on government help and accustomed to being poor. For the left, it seems deplorable to allow workers to drop out of the job market for long periods, because it makes it harder for them to find new job
A. investigate ways of exploiting the talents of poor people
B. insist that recipients had to work to receive benefit
C. stop paying benefit to the unemployed
D. ignore the suffering of the unemployed

[单项选择] Work and Life The pursuit of a better work-life balance is at the root of calls for flexible hours, affordable childcare and paid paternity (父亲身份) leave. More than ever before are we demanding choice in our working lives. Gemma Lavender of the TUC explores the pressures and challenges. The issue If you’’re not careful, work can take over your life. People in Britain work longer hours than anywhere else in Europe. Too many workplaces are gripped by a long hours culture where everyone is expected to do hours of unpaid overtime every week. Astonishingly, people in Britain do £23 billion worth of unpaid overtime every year—that would be a £4,000 wages boost for the average long-hours worker. Hardly surprising, then, that there’’s an epidemic of workplace stress. Contrary to some expectations, according to a recent TUC poll, Brits do actually enjoy their jobs. 85 per cent told us that they found their work enjoyable and fulfilling, yet slightly
A. Y
B. N


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