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发布时间:2023-10-16 23:12:01

[简答题]The war that broke out between the North and the South in 1861 is known in history as the American Civil War.

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[简答题]The war that broke out between the North and the South in 1861 is known in history as the American Civil War.
[填空题]The war between the two ______ broke out in ______.
[单项选择](Fighting) broke (out) (between) the Northern (states) and Southern states.
A. Fighting
B. out
C. between
D. states
[单项选择]Before the American Civil War, the North and the South diverged from each other in the following aspects EXCEPT ( ).
A. economic need
B. pattern of living
C. political ideas
D. religious belief
[单项选择]The war broke out ()
A. suddenly in 1939 in Poland
B. in 1939 suddenly in Poland
C. suddenly in Poland in 1939
D. in Poland in 1939 suddenly
[填空题]When did the war break out between America colonies and England
The war broke out in ______.
[单项选择]The Second World War broke out in ( ).
A. 1930s
B. the 1930es
C. the 1930s
D. 1930’s
[单项选择]What is lacking in North America’s retail industry
A. Speedy delivery of products.
B. Independent shopping channels.
C. Variety in retail offering.
D. New and young customers.
[单项选择]The American Civil War broke out in ______.
A. 1860
B. 1861
C. 1862
D. 1863
[填空题]Florence Sephton is 77 and lives in North Wales. She is reading for an arts degree. "I’m more of a {{U}} (36) {{/U}} to polish my mind than polish my furniture. The house takes second place while I put the studying first." "I was very happy at school and had {{U}} (37) {{/U}} teaching. I passed the university {{U}} (38) {{/U}} examination and was ready to go to university but with World War One I went into {{U}} (39) {{/U}} . I was paid 1 pound a week. Manchester University kept my place open for three years but I was enjoying the money and the freedom, so I turned it down." Mrs. Sephton is now in the second year of her Open University {{U}} (40) {{/U}} and is finding it hard work. "I’m feeling tired more {{U}} (41) {{/U}} . I can’t do more than an hour’s work at a time. The memory’s shocking, I’m supposed to be {{U}} (42) {{/U}} and I look up notes I did earlier this year and think, ’Have you read this before ’ So I’m doing it very slowly—one {{U}} (43) {{/U}} a year,


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