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发布时间:2024-03-09 05:08:29

[单项选择]There are some bananas in the box, but there aren’t mangoes.
A. some B. any C. much

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M: May I please try some of these bananas
W: Not now, there are just enough for lunch.

What does the woman mean ()
A. It is almost time for lunch.
B. Only a few bananas will be eaten at lunch.
C. There are just enough bananas for lunch.
D. There won’t be many people for lunch.

6 - 9 bananas 450 ml water
350 g sugar 125 ml coconut cream
1/2 teaspoon salt
Peel the bananas. If they are large, cut them in half. If you are using small bananas, leave them whole. You can also make decorative cuts in them.
Mix the water with sugar, and bring to the boil. Stirring.
Simmer for 5 minutes.
Add the bananas and cook for 5 minutes. Drain.
Bring the coconut cream to the boil with the salt.
Reduce the heat and stir until the liquid thickens into a sauce.
Serve the bananas in, or with the warm coconut sauce.
Serves 3 people.

Making Coconut Bananas

Five kinds of (46) are needed.
Large bananas have to be cut (47)
Cook the bananas in the sugar water for (48)
Heat the (49)

[填空题]Brown bananas should not be eaten.

[填空题]The average American eats more bananas than apples.

[填空题]Red bananas contain a substance called carotene which is also found in the vegetable known as a carrot.

[填空题]Wild bananas originally grew in Central America.

[填空题]Something like bananas, peaches, etc.

[单项选择]Bananas, always the fashion victims of the produce section, are we,’uing another new label this spring. Bananas with "Fair Trade Certified" stickers have been available in the United States since October. They represent the new front of an international effort to help first-world consumers improve the living standards of the third-world farmers who grow much of their food.
By expanding its reach to the produce section, Fair Trade is now trying to reach the American supermarket shopper. Fair Trade deals directly with farmer cooperatives. It helps organize, avoiding brokers (代理人) and middlemen. It guarantees higher prices for the farmers’ goods and helps them set up schools and health clinics.
The Fair Trade movement took root in Europe in the 1990’s as a way of bolstering coffee farmers as prices were collapsing. Since Fair Trade began, more than a million coffee growers and other farmers have joined cooperatives that sell their products through Fair Trade channels instead of
A. It means bananas are the fashion victims of the produce section.
B. It means bananas have got a new label.
C. It means bananas with these stickers are available in the United States.
D. It represents an international effort to help the third-world farmers.
[单项选择]A. Neither. B. Oranges and bananas.
C. Apples and bananas. D. Sorry.

[填空题]"Going bananas" is a form of going crazy after eating too many bananas.


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