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发布时间:2024-07-30 20:26:44

[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding a LIBOR-based FRA is TRUE( )
A. If LIBOR increases unexpectedly over the contract term, the long will be required to make a cash payment at settlement. 
B. FRAs can be based on interest rates for 30, 60, or 90-day periods. 
C. The contract rate will change with LIBOR over the term of the agreement.

更多"Which of the following statements r"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) is most accurate()
A. GIPS exist as a best or maximum worldwide standard where local or country specific law for in vestment performance measurement does not exist.
B. GIPS require that managers rank order all fee - paying discretionary portfolios back at least five years or for as long as they have been in existence.
C. GIPS require that all fee - paying discretionary portfolios be included in composites defined according to investment objective or similar strategy and firms must show GIPS compliant history for a minimum of five years or since inception if a composite has existed less than five years.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding early termination of a forward contract is TRUE( )
A. There is no way to terminate a forward contract early. 
B. A party who enters into an offsetting contract to terminate has no risk. 
C. Early termination through an offsetting transaction with the original counterparty eliminates default risk.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding Eurodollar time deposits is FALSE( )
A. Rates are quoted as an add-on yield and are based on a 360-day year. 
B. Sometimes the best rates are available in New York City. 
C. They are available in Switzerland.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding equity forward contracts is FALSE( )
A. Equity forwards may be settled in cash. 
B. Dividends are never included in index forwards. 
C. A short position in equity forward could not hedge the risk of a purchase of that equity in the future.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding monopolies is FALSE ()
A. Monopolists will try to get favorable treatment from the government called rent seeking.
B. Due to the law of diminishing returns, natural monopolies exhibit an upward sloping average total cost curve.
C. Inefficient producers are able to survive.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding secondary markets is FALSE Secondary markets are important because they provide:()
A. investors with continuous information.
B. firms with greater access to external capital.
C. regulators with information about market participants.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding margin accounts is TRUE( )
A. A margin call is issued only on short positions.
B. Margin accounts can be used to purchase securities by borrowing part of the purchase price.
C. Margin refers to the amount of funds the investor can borrow.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding primary and secondary markets is FALSE( )
A. Secondary market transactions occur between two investors and do not involve the firm that originally issued the security.
B. New issues of government securities can be sold on the primary market.
C. Prevailing market prices are determined by primary market transactions and are used in pricing new issues.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding regulations governing the short-sale process is FALSE ()
A. The short seller must pay a margin equivalent to the prevailing margin requirement when the transaction is made.
B. If dividends are paid on the stock during the short-sale transaction, the short seller must pay dividends to the investor that loaned the stock.
C. The short-sale process must be completed within a 90-day period.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding index funds is least accurate()
A. One disadvantage of index funds is that they do not provide access to international securities. 
B. One advantage of index funds is that they allow for diversification that is typically not available to the average individual investor due to a lack of resources. 
C. One might conclude from the efficient market literature that an investor should mimic the market’s performance and minimize costs by buying index funds.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding capital budgeting is correct A firm’s optimal capital budget can be found by moving along its investment opportunity schedule until: ()
A. it exhausts its capital budget. 
B. the marginal revenue product is equal to marginal cost. 
C. the next project’s return no longer covers the marginal cost of capital.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding survivorship bias in hedge funds is TRUE Survivorship bias tends to: ()
A. understate the performance and overstate the volatility of hedge funds. 
B. overstate the performance and understate the volatility of hedge funds. 
C. overstate both the performance and volatility of hedge funds.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding depreciation expense in the cash flow statements is TRUE Depreciation is:()
A. added back to net income when determining CFO using the direct method. 
B. added back to net income when determining CFO using the indirect method. 
C. considered a cash item.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding forward contracts on T-bills is TRUE()
A. If short-term yields increase unexpectedly after contract initiation, the short will profit on the contract.
B. There is no default risk on these forwards because T-bills are government-backed.
C. The long will receive a payment at settlement if the discount yield is above the forward yield.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements regarding economic costs is most accurate()
A. Sunk costs involve setting aside payments to retire long-term debt.
B. In the long run, expected average marginal cost is the most relevant cost to the firm.
C. Fixed costs are not a consideration in the short run operating decision, but must be considered in the long run.


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