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发布时间:2023-10-18 21:52:00

[单项选择]Consider the following information: On May 1 Party A trades on the futures exchange to buy one oats contract of 10000 bushels for delivery in September. Party B has complimentary requirements. The price is $2 per bushel. Assume that the contract closes on May 2 at 190 cents per bushel. Assume the initial margin was $3000 and the maintenance margin $2500. Assume further that on May 3, the price has dropped to $1.80 per bushel. The price at which a maintenance margin call will be received is equal to:

更多"Consider the following information:"的相关试题:

[简答题]The following is part of Information for Environment Pollution. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与......等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55. A--heavy metals B--hospital wastes C--industrial emissions D--industrial noise E--motor vehicle emissions F--noise pollution G--plastic wastes H--rubber waste I--pollution control technology J--smoke prevention K--recycling L--waste use M--water reuse N--oil spills O--trash QUESTIONS: 51. ( )污染控制技术 ( )回收 52. ( )防烟 ( )医院废物 53. ( )重金属 ( )石油泄漏 54. ( )水的再利用 ( )工业排放物 55. ( )噪声污染 ( )废物,垃圾
[单项选择]Which of the following italicized part indicates a subject-predicate relation (主谓关系)
A. The secretary’s departure disorganized the whole company.
B. Brian spent a large part of his career in Hollywood.
C. The middle-aged woman’s children have no one to play with.
D. He tends towards Tom’s opinion on this matter.
[单项选择]Which of the following italicized part expresses REASON
A. There could be only one explanation for his absence.
B. Julian actually had a publisher for the book.
C. Jason did not turn up at the meeting for the accident.
D. Next morning Sarah leaves for London on business.
[单项选择]Which of the following italicized part is INCORRECT
A. The husband gave his wife half all his income.
B. Please get all your four books ready.
C. They have been having a whale of a time all these last few days.
D. Six months later, all the four monkeys were healthy.
[单项选择]Which of the following italicized part is used as an attributive clause
A. Reading is to our mind what water is to our body.
B. They had a vague idea where the place was.
C. Tony looked for the kind of group to which he was best suited.
D. It is the gold that glistens in every possible situation.
[填空题]The following is part of a bus timetable. Express buses do not stop at some of the towns between Dawtry and Saresbury.
DAWTRY 07:50 08:30 09:10 09:50
TAMSVILLE 07:59 … … 10:00
BRISTOWN 08:07 08:42 … 10:08
JAMCASTER 08:24 08:55 09:27 10:25
SARESBURY 08:33 09:04 09:36 10:33
How much less time does it take to travel on the fastest express bus from Dawtry to Saresbury than it does on a slow (non-express) bus

[单项选择]Consider the following descriptions of approaches used in valuing real estate: Approach 1: In this approach, the present value of after-tax cash flows are calculated based on the investor’s required rate of return before the equity portion of the investment is deducted. Approach 2: In this approach, the value of land is estimated and is added to the price that would have to be paid if a property had to be replaced. Approach 3: In this approach, an appraisal price is estimated as the discounted net operating income based on the market required rate of return. Approach 4: This approach relies on examining recent transaction prices from a group of similar properties and depends on a reasonably liquid market. List in order, from Approach 1 to Approach 4, the real estate valuation methods that correspond to each of the four valuation approaches listed above.()
A. The discounted after-tax cash flow model, the cost method, the income method, and the sales comparison method.
B. The income method, the cost method, the sales comparison method, and the discounted after-tax cash flow model.
C. The income method, the discounted after-tax cash flow model, the sales comparison method, and the cost method.
[填空题]A—information center
B—may remain in wheel chair
C—ATM locations
D—parade route
E—lost and found
F—first aid
G—No parking
H—line up for tickets
I—all reserved
J—No turn
K—protect public property
L—cross road
M—bus network
N—baby care center
O—seat by number
P—wet paint

______油漆未干 ______十字路口
[单项选择]Consider the following borrowing rates for Company Z and Company W Firm German mark rate French franc rate Company Z 5.25% 6.5% Company W 4.75% 7% Given the borrowing rates above, Companies Z and W wish to enter into a plain vanilla currency swap. Which company should borrow French francs as a part of the swap( )
A. Company Z because it can borrow francs at a lower interest rate. 
B. Company Z because it can borrow marks at a lower interest rate. 
C. Company W because it can borrow francs at a lower interest rate.
[单项选择]Consider the following two statements about putable bonds: Statement 1: As yields rise, the price of putable bonds will fall less quickly than similar option-free bonds (beyond a critical point) due to the increase in value of the embedded put option. Statement 2: As yields fall, the price of putable bonds will rise more quickly than similar option-free bonds (beyond a critical point) due to the increase in value of the embedded put option. Are these statements correct or incorrect()
A. Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect. 
B. Both statements are incorrect. 
C. Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement 2 is correct.
[单项选择]Consider the following statements: Statement 1: "A natural monopoly exists when economies of scale are so pronounced that all of an industry’s demand should be supplied by one firm. " Statement 2: "Monopoly is characterized by a single seller of a distinct product for which no good substitutes exist. " Statement 3: "Average cost pricing is a form of regulation that is intended to force monopolists to reduce output to the point where the monopolist’s average total cost curve intersects its marginal cost curve. " Which of the following best describes the accuracy of these statements Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3()①A. Incorrect Correct Incorrect ②B. Correct Incorrect Correct ③C. Correct Correct Incorrect
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③


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