发布时间:2024-07-18 06:18:51

[单项选择]Whatever the causes, English at the end of the 20th century is more widely spoken and written than any other language ().
A. ever was
B. had ever been
C. has ever been
D. would ever be

更多"Whatever the causes, English at the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Whatever the causes, English at the end of the 20th century is more widely spoken and written than any other language ______.
A. ever was
B. had ever been
C. has ever been
D. would ever be
[单项选择]Whatever the causes, the English by the end of the year 2050 will have been more widely spoken and written than any other language ______.
A. ever was
B. had ever been
C. would ever be
D. has ever been
[单项选择]Whatever the causes, English is currently more widely spoken and written than any other language
A. ever was
B. has ever been
C. had ever been
D. would ever be
[填空题]English friendships come to an end when one friend seriously misunderstands the other’s feelings, point of view or actions.

 Washer Won’t start  1.Chesk the and breaker
 2.Power cord may not be irmly
  plugged in the receptacle
 1.Consult the seller
 2.Make sure power cord is firmly   connected
 What is Not supplied  1.Water tap may be closed.
 2.Water supply is suspended.
 3.Foreign matters may be ccumulated
  on the met in the mater inlet. 
 1.Turn on the water tap.
 2.Clean the
[单项选择] Earthquakes What causes earthquakes The earth is formed of layers. The surface of the earth, about 100 kilometers thick, is made of large pieces. When they move against each other, an earth quake happens, A large movement causes a violent earthquake, but a small movement causes a mild one. Earthquakes last only a few seconds. The rolling movements are called seismic (地震的) waves. The seismic waves start in one place, called the epicenter (震中) , and roll outward. A seismic wave travels around the earth in about twenty minutes. Usually, an earthquake is strong enough to cause damage only near its epicenter. However, epicenters at the bottom of the ocean create huge sea waves as tall as 15 meters. These waves cross the ocean in several hours. Rushing toward land, they destroy small islands and ships in their path. When they hit land, they flood coastal areas far from the epicenter of the earthquake. In 1868, a wave reached 4. 5 kilometers inland in P
A. Y
B. N


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Problems Probable causes Suggested solutions
The display is showing the
sign ":".
There has been a power interruption. Reset (重新设置) the clock.
The fan seems to be running
slower than usual.
The oven has been stored in a cold area. The fan will run slower until the oven
warms up to normal room temperature.
The display shows a time
counting down but the oven
is not cooking.
The oven door is not closed completely. Closed the door completely.
You have set the controls as a kitchen
timer (定时器).
Touch OFF/CANCEL to cancel the
Minute Timer.