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发布时间:2024-07-30 21:11:24

[单项选择]I apologize if I ______ you, but I assure you it was unintentional.
A. offend
B. had offended
C. should have offended
D. might have offended

更多"I apologize if I ______ you, but I "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I assure you that the matter()as quickly as possible. Have a little patience.
A. has been attended to
B. will be attended to
C. is attended to
D. has attended to
[填空题]I apologize to you on behalf of my store for _______________________ (几天前你在我们店里受到的冷遇).
[单项选择]I apologize if I ______ you, but I promise that it was not on purpose.
A. have offended
B. had offended
C. should have offended
D. may have offended
[单项选择]I’m very sorry I’m late. I ______ and told you I was coming.
A. ought to phone you B. must phone you
C. ought to have phoned you D. must have phoned you
[单项选择]We can assure you ______ punctual shipment.
A. /
B. with
C. in
D. of
[单项选择]Lest anyone ______ it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.
A. thought
B. should think
C. had thought
D. thinking

M: I waited until 10:20 for you.
W: I must have arrived 8 minutes after you left.

What time did the woman arrive ( )
A. 10:20.
B. 10:14.
C. 10:28.
[单项选择]W: You haven’t seen a blue notebook, have you I hope I didn’t leave it in the reading room.
M: Did you check that pile of journals you’ve borrowed from the library the other day
Q: What is the man trying to say to the woman( ).
A. She couldn’t have left her notebook in the library.
B. She may have put her notebook amid the journals.
C. She should have made careful notes while doing reading.
D. She shouldn’t have read his notes without his knowing it.

M: Welcome, Miss. May I help you
W: I hope so. I want a lipstick.
M: Do you have any particular brand in mind7
W: I like Lyfel very much.
M: We have different shades of Lyfel lipstick. May I know what color you usually wear
W: Pink. But today, I’m thinking of buying one in a dark shade. You know, I will be a teacher next month. I wish to look more serious.
M: Yes, I see. How do you like this one
W: Not too bad. May I have a try
M: Certainly, Miss.
W: Mmm … It’s still too bright. Any darker shades
M: Not from the Lyfel group, I’m afraid.
W: Well, any brand will do as long as I can get the right color.
M: How about this one, then7 It has more transparent touch.
W: OK, that’ the very thing I need.

What lipstick did the woman expect to buy( ).
A. Lyfel, dark shade.
B. Lyfel, pink shade.
C. Lyfel, bright shade.

W: John, how are you I heard you were sick.
M: They must have confused me with somebody else. I’ve never felt upset.

How does John feel()
A. Better.
B. Sick.
C. Fine.
D. Tired.

M: Good morning, Madam. And can I help you
W: I’d like to order a table for eight.
M: Today, Madam
W: Yes.
M: Then, what time
W: About 3 o’clock, I think.
M: I’m sorry that we only serve lunch until 3 p.m.
W: Well, 2 o’clock is all right. But it must be by windows.
M: Ok, what’s your name, please
W: Belliongton, Smith Belliogton.
M: Very good, Mrs. Smith. A table for 8 at 2 p.m. today. See you then.
W: Bye!

how many people will come according to the dialogue ()
A. 2.
B. 4.
C. 6.
D. 8.


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