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发布时间:2023-10-14 12:59:21

[简答题]The environmental and social costs of closing and rehabilitating(恢复)old and abandoned mines around the world are likely in trillions of dollars, and far beyond the capability of mining companies alone to deal with, Sir Robert Wilson, chairman of London-based metals giant Rio Tinto Plc said on Tuesday.
46)Wilson told Reuters at a mining industry conference on sustainable development in Toronto that a recent estimate puts rehabilitation costs just in the United States, where regulation is stricter than in many other countries, at $35 billion. "If you look at where the real problems are, in Russia, Eastern Europe, South Africa, India, ina, the extent of the (mine) legacy issues is normous, and it’s totally beyond the capability of this industry, either financially or technically, to make a meaningful contribution to that," Wilson said.
47) "Huge" and "gigantic" were other terms being tossed around to describe the problem of old and abandoned mines at the three-day Gl

更多"The environmental and social costs "的相关试题:

[简答题]The environmental and social costs of closing and rehabilitating(恢复)old and abandoned mines around the world are likely in trillions of dollars, and far beyond the capability of mining companies alone to deal with, Sir Robert Wilson, chairman of London-based metals giant Rio Tinto Plc said on Tuesday.
46)Wilson told Reuters at a mining industry conference on sustainable development in Toronto that a recent estimate puts rehabilitation costs just in the United States, where regulation is stricter than in many other countries, at $35 billion. "If you look at where the real problems are, in Russia, Eastern Europe, South Africa, India, ina, the extent of the (mine) legacy issues is normous, and it’s totally beyond the capability of this industry, either financially or technically, to make a meaningful contribution to that," Wilson said.
47) "Huge" and "gigantic" were other terms being tossed around to describe the problem of old and abandoned mines at the three-day Gl
[填空题]The areas of social, economic and environmental relate to people’s health, according to the socio-ecological view of health.
[简答题]environmental justice
[简答题]packing Costs
Cutting Departmental Costs

Costs involved in running your department have risen sharply, you have been asked to consider how these costs could be reduced. Discuss, and decide together:
·What reasons there might be for the sudden increase
·How staff can be encouraged to help reduce costs
Follow-on questions
·Who should take responsibility for controlling costs in a department ( why)
·Which are the areas which are usually most cost-intensive within a department (why)
·Should each area in a company be self-sufficient financially (why/why not)
·Is the current attitude that the costs likely to continue to increase on a world-wide scale (why/why not)
[判断题]Prime costs include direct materials costs, direct labor costs and indirect manufacturing costs.
[简答题]social unrest

1 Social behavior is communication that permits a group of animals of the same species to become organized cooperatively. Social behavior includes any interaction that is a consequence of one animal’s response to another of its own species, such as an individual fighting to defend a territory. However, not all aggregations of animals are social. Clusters of moths attracted to a light at night or trout gathering in the coolest pool of a stream are groupings of animals responding to environmental signals. Social aggregations, on the other hand, depend on signals from the animals themselves, which stay together and do things together by influencing one another.
2 Social animals are not all social to the same degree. Some species cooperate only long enough to achieve reproduction, while others--such as geese and beavers--form strong pair bonds that last a lifetime. The most persistent social bonds usu
A. To show how social behavior benefits each individual in a group
B. To point out the role of the environment in social organization
C. To give examples of groupings that do not represent social behavior
D. To explain how not all social behavior has the same purpose
[判断题]Sale costs are the total of all costs that a buyer and a seller incur as they gather information and negotiate a purchase-sale transaction.( )

Social control refers to social processes, planned or unplanned, by which people are taught, persuaded, or forced to conform to norms. In every society, some punishments or negative sanctions are established for deviant behavior. Without deviant behavior there would not be need for social control and without social control there would not be a way of recognizing the boundary between the acceptable and the unacceptable.
Social control may be either formal or informal. Informal mechanisms include expressions of disapproval by significant others and withholding of positive rewards for disapproved behavior. Most people internalize norms in the course of socialization. This is any group’s most powerful protection against deviance, in that the individual’s own conscience operates as an agent of social control. When informal sanctions fail, formal agents of social control may be called upon. In contemporary society, such formal agents and agencies include psychiatry
A. liberal
B. partial
C. neutral
D. overall


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