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发布时间:2024-07-31 05:57:03

[简答题]Question 2
·Your company,a center for adults with handicaps,has been unsatisfied with its failure to respond to people who need to know the whereabouts of the clients.You have been asked to write a proposal concerning the possible improvement with the center’s service.
·Write your proposal.including the following information:
·a description of problems causing people to lose track of where the clients are an explanation of why knowing where the clients are is important
·a recommendation for the kind of change that should be made to the service.
Question 3
·Your company has been under the pressure from both inside and outside to el iminate its sexist discriminations particularly against female employees.You have been asked to write a report examining potentially sexist decisions and politics permeating the company’s management·
·Write the report for your director,including the following information.
·why the company’s pol icie

更多"Question 2 ·Your company,a center"的相关试题:

[多项选择]Question 2 Your company, a center for adults with handicaps, has been unsatisfied with its failure to respond to people who need to know the whereabouts of the clients. You have been asked to write a proposal concerning the possible improvement with the center’’s service. Write your proposal, including the following: a description of problems causing people to lose track of where the clients are an explanation of why knowing where the clients are is important a recommendation for the kind of change that should be made to the service Question 3 Your company has been under the pressure from both inside and outside to eliminate its sexist discriminations particularly against female employees. You have been asked to write a report examining potentially sexist decisions and politics permeating the company’’s management. Write the report for your director, including the following information: why the company’’s policies and procedures need to be scrutinized f
[多项选择]Question 2
Your company, a center for adults with handicaps, has been unsatisfied with its failure to respond to people who need to know the whereabouts of the clients. You have been asked to write a proposal concerning the possible improvement with the center’s service. Write your proposal, including the following:
a description of problems causing people to lose track of where the clients are an
explanation of why knowing where the clients are is important
a recommendation for the kind of change that should be made to the service
Question 3
Your company has been under the pressure from both inside and outside to eliminate its sexist discriminations particularly against female employees. You have been asked to write a report examining potentially sexist decisions and politics permeating the company’ s management. Write the report for your director, including the following information:
why the company’s policies and procedures need to b
[简答题]A fall in a pit, a gain in your wit.
[简答题]{{B}}Question 2{{/B}} Your company, a center for adults with handicaps, has been unsatisfied with its failure to respond to people who need to know the whereabouts of the clients. You have been asked to write a proposal concerning the possible improvement with the center’s service. Write your proposal, including the following: a description of problems causing people to lose track of where the clients are an explanation of why knowing where the clients are is important a recommendation for the kind of change that should be made to the service {{B}}Question 3 {{/B}} Your company has been under the pressure from both inside and outside to eliminate its sexist discriminations particularly against female employees. You have been asked to write a report examining potentially sexist decisions and politics permeating the company’ s management. Write the report for your director, including the following information: why the company’s policies and procedures need to be
[简答题]Question 2 · Your company will begin business in Shanghai. Your department has studied some aspects of Chinese business. · Write a report about it. · Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.
[多项选择]Question 2
·Your company recently sponsored an event and the head of marketing has asked you to write a report about it.
· Write your report for the head of marketing,
· outlining the reasons for choosing to sponsor the event
· describing the positive outcomes of sponsoring the event
·explaining the disadvantages that resulted from sponsoring the event
· making recommendations concerning future sponsorship activity.
· Write 200-250 words.
Question 3
·The managing director of the company you work for has invited suggestions for new regional markets the company could consider entering. You have decided to put forward a proposal concerning this.
· Write your proposal for the managing director
· identifying the market you propose
· explaining the potential advantages of this market
· suggesting how the company should approach entering this market
· mentioning risks that might be associated with this mark
[多项选择]Question 2 Your company is concerned about the customers’’ inability to placing orders because of tied up phone lines. Your manager has asked you to write a proposal for a rearrangement of phone line use in the company. Write your proposal, including the following: a description of the problem an explanation of what has caused the problem a recommendation for a rearrangement a description of possible benefits from the rearrangement Question 3 Your company hopes to maintain its highly valued reputation for being ethical. However, it may be vulnerable to lawsuits against the employees’’ use of pirated software. You have been asked to write a report concerning the acquisition and distribution of pirated software in your company. Write the report for your manager, including the following information: how extensive is the use of pirated software in your company how pirated software is acquired and distributed among the em
[多项选择]Question 2 Your company has received a request from a customer for priority service and decided that it would be appropriate to grant this request. You have been asked to write a letter to explain to the customer why his request is not accommodated. Write the letter to the customer: expressing concerns with the customer’’s difficulties emphasizing the company’’s commitment to providing service to the customers clarifying the company’’s policy and why the request is not justifiable Question 3 Your company has been forced to downsize, and it wants to provide the best possible support to employees who now must look for other jobs. The director of human resources has asked you to write a report of effective outplacement support that has been provided in other companies. Write the report for the director, including the following information: what help has been provided by other companies what have been the effective ways of providing such help what
[多项选择] Question 2
Your company needs to secure credibility in ways other than advertisements. Your manager feels that the company can gain reputation if more of its employees publish articles in journals. You have been asked to write a proposal regarding the need to encourage the employees to write articles for professional journals.
Write your proposal, including the following:
a brief description of the employees’ engagement in writing article for scholarly journals
an explanation of why published articles can contribute to the company’s credentials and credibility in terms of its technical expertise
recommendations for incentive measures that urge the employees to consider writing articles for journals
Question 3
Your company has been keen on screening out socially inappropriate messages from all of its advertisements. You have been instructed to write a report about biased ads which foster a negative stereotype of some group. Write the r
[多项选择]Question 2 Your company has been concerned with the disposal of its used computers which have not been fully depreciated. You have been asked to write a proposal concerning better ways of disposing used computers. Write your proposal, including the following: a description of what has happened to the old computers in the past a description of a new way of disposing of used computers an explanation of why this new approach is sound recommendations for further research on this approach Question 3 Your company has been receiving complaints about the employees’’ manner of answering phone calls from customers. Your manager has asked you to write a report of the problems with the way the employees handling phone calls from customers. Write the report, including the following information: why phone calls from customers are of significance to the company what complaints there are about the employees’’ manner of answering phone calls what can be do
[多项选择]Question 2 Your company hopes to get insights into the hiring of adults with mild mental retardation and its effects on the running of the company. You have been asked to write a proposal for strategies of employing mentally disabled people in your company. Write your proposal, including the following: a brief description of the current policy of the company regarding the hiring of disabled people an analysis of mentally disabled people’’s capability of performing certain tasks in your company a description of the benefits from hiring these people recommendations for training strategies Question 3 Your company, an international hotel business, has been considering expansion in a foreign country. You have been asked to write a brief report which evaluates a particular city’’s potential of being the site for a new hotel. Write the report for your manager, including the following information: why the city is a good location for a new hotel what merit
[多项选择]Question 2 Your company needs to secure credibility in ways other than advertisements. Your manager feels that the company can gain reputation if more of its employees publish articles in journals. You have been asked to write a proposal regarding the need to encourage the employees to write articles for professional journals. Write your proposal, including the following: a brief description of the employees’’ engagement in writing article for scholarly journals an explanation of why published articles can contribute to the company’’s credentials and credibility in terms of its technical expertise recommendations for incentive measures that urge the employees to consider writing articles for journals Question 3 Your company has been keen on screening out socially inappropriate messages from all of its advertisements. You have been instructed to write a report about biased ads which foster a negative stereotype of some group. Write the report for your manager
[简答题]Question 2·Your company produces high-quality office furniture. You have been asked by your head to write about your latest sales promotion.·Write the report to the Marketing Director, including the following information: ·why the promotion was conducted ·how the promotion was conducted ·what results it has brought about ·what lessons can be drawn from it.
[多项选择]Question 2
· Your company will begin business in Shanghai. Your department has studied some aspects of Chinese business.
· Write a report about it.
· Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.
[简答题]Question 2 ·Your company has decided to invest some of this year’ s exceptionally high profits in one of the following areas: ·New company buses ·Culture comparative courses ·Special bonus payments. ·You have been asked to wirte a report recommending how the profits should be invested and what benefits they would bring respectively. ·Write 200 - 250 words on your Answer Sheet.


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