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发布时间:2023-11-03 20:45:33

[单项选择]Passage Two When I was 65, I decided to go back to school. I realized this was the step toward bettering my life. It was merely an idea, and when it was time to take action, a community college named Rock Valley College stood out as a great fit for me. The reasonable cost and location of the main campus meant that I could attend classes without seriously affecting my family’s finances. My family noticed a change within weeks; I was happier, more organized, more focused. My workload forced me to manage my time more wisely and work more sufficiently. I felt confident, ready to take on new academic challenges and fill in my knowledge gaps. However, the changes I’ve experienced run deeper than that. There is a renewed sense of curiosity and a desire to learn in our house --- not only for me, but also my children and husband. Within the excellent professors and great classes at the college, it would have been difficult to pass these lessons on to my children. “Education is impo
A. its friendly staff
B. its cost and location
C. its easy sign-up process
D. its interesting courses

更多"Passage Two When I was 65, I de"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Two When I was 65, I decided to go back to school. I realized this was the step toward bettering my life. It was merely an idea, and when it was time to take action, a community college named Rock Valley College stood out as a great fit for me. The reasonable cost and location of the main campus meant that I could attend classes without seriously affecting my family’s finances. My family noticed a change within weeks; I was happier, more organized, more focused. My workload forced me to manage my time more wisely and work more sufficiently. I felt confident, ready to take on new academic challenges and fill in my knowledge gaps. However, the changes I’ve experienced run deeper than that. There is a renewed sense of curiosity and a desire to learn in our house --- not only for me, but also my children and husband. Within the excellent professors and great classes at the college, it would have been difficult to pass these lessons on to my children. “Education is impo
A. a means to get a good job
B. a first step to obtain a degree
C. a measure to make more friends
D. a way to improve her life
[单项选择]According to the passage, scientists have decided that sulfur aerosols from volcanic eruptions affect global temperatures to a greater extent than ash clouds because
A. the greenhouse gas effect produced by human activities tends to have a much greater environmental effect than that of volcanic explosions
B. clouds of sulfur-rich gases tend to achieve greater heights in the stratosphere than do ash clouds
C. a particular explosion producing high sulfur and little ash had a greater environmental effect than the converse
D. the burning of fossil fuels tends to exacerbate the effects of sulfurous aerosols, but not those of ash clouds
E. global warming effects tend to minimize the impact of ash clouds, but not those of sulfurous aerosols

When will Frank go home
A. About noon.
B. Not until 2 o’clock.
C. Late in the afternoon.
D. Early the next mornin
[填空题]Ground sea is formed when two plates are sliding toward each other and are tightly pushing together.

[填空题]When two people are talking to each other, they tend to stand a specific distance apart. Each person has an {{U}} (36) {{/U}} boundary around their body into which other people may not come. If someone pierces this boundary, they will feel {{U}} (37) {{/U}} and move away to increase the distance between them. (The major {{U}} (38) {{/U}} is family members and other loved ones. ) This personal {{U}} (39) {{/U}} is not due to body odor or bad {{U}} (40) {{/U}} but because closeness lends a sense of intimacy that is at odds with their {{U}} (41) {{/U}} to the other individual. Interestingly, the {{U}} (42) {{/U}} personal distance varies from culture to culture. Americans tend to require more personal space than in other {{U}} (43) {{/U}}. So if you try to get too close to an American during your conversation, he or she will feel that you are "in their face" and will try to back away. Try to be aware of this, {{U}} (44) {{/U}}, don’t try to close the gap. {{U}} (45) {{/


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