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发布时间:2024-01-23 03:23:40

{{B}}New U.S. Plan for Disease Prevention{{/B}}
Urging Americans to take responsibility for their health, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson on Tuesday launched a $15 million program to try to encourage communities to do more to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes (糖尿病).
The initiative highlights the costs of chronic diseases—the leading causes of death in the United States—and outlines ways that people can prevent them, including better diet and increased exercise.
"In the United States today, 7 of 10 deaths and the vast majority of serious illness, disability and health care costs are caused by chronic diseases," the Health and Human Services department said in a statement.
The causes are often behavioral--smoking, poor eating habits and a lack of exe
A. They account for 70% of all deaths.
B. They are responsible for most of the health care costs.
C. They often result in unhealthy lifestyles.
D. They are largely preventable.

更多"{{B}}第二篇{{/B}} "的相关试题:

{{B}}New U.S. Plan for Disease Prevention{{/B}}
Urging Americans to take responsibility for their health, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson on Tuesday launched a $15 million program to try to encourage communities to do more to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes (糖尿病).
The initiative highlights the costs of chronic diseases—the leading causes of death in the United States—and outlines ways that people can prevent them, including better diet and increased exercise.
"In the United States today, 7 of 10 deaths and the vast majority of serious illness, disability and health care costs are caused by chronic diseases," the Health and Human Services department said in a statement.
The causes are often behavioral--smoking, poor eating habits and a lack of exe
A. better diet.
B. increased exercise.
C. less smoking.
D. more frequent hand washing.
A new international study shows that six people die every minute from smoking. That equals 3 million deaths around the world every year. If the present rate (率)of smoking continues, the number of deaths each year from smoking could rise to 10 million by the year 2020.
The study describes smoking as the biggest cause to deadly diseases among grown-ups in industrial countries. So far most of the smoking deaths have happened on men, especially in developing countries.
A researcher at the World Health Organization says 70% of Chinese men smoke more than 15 cigarettes each day. In Latin America about 50% of the men are smokers. There also is a very large number of smokers in the former Soviet Union(苏联)and in the east Europe. And 25% of all smoking deaths worldwide are in those areas of the world. Scientists say smoking will kil
A. we must give up smoking
B. smoking causes lung caner
C. smoking does harm to health
D. men like smoking much more than women
{{B}}New Foods and the New World{{/B}}
In the last 500 years, nothing about people—not their clothes, ideas, or languages—has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree (可可树) by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500’s. And although it was very expensive, it quickly became fashionable. In London, shops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today.
The potato is also from the New World. Around 1600, the Spanish brought it from Peru to Europe, where it soon was widely grown. Ireland became so dependent on it that thousands of Irish people starved when the crop failed during the "Potato Famine (饥荒)" of 1845—1846, and thousands more were forced to leave their home
A. they were so dependent on potatoes that they refused to eat anything else
B. they were forced to leave their homeland and move to America
C. the weather conditions in Ireland were not suitable for growing potatoes
D. the potato harvest was bad
[单项选择] 第二篇   Americans Get Touchy   The New York Times recently reported that American teens are hugging practically everyone they see. Say goodbye to the greetings of the past, from the hands-off "Whats up!" to the handshake or high-five2. For young people across the country, hugging is the new "Hello".   Girls are hugging girls. Boys are hugging boys. Girls and boys are hugging each other. And, like every major trend, there are lots of variations on the form. Theres the classic, full-body, arms-around-the-person bear hug, the casual one-armed side hug, the group hug and the hug from behind. Theres the handshake that turns into a hug and the hug that turns into a pat on the back.   As trends go, this one seems pretty innocent. But some parents, teachers and school administrators are worried nonetheless. Will young people who arent as comfortable with physical contact feel peer pressured into hugging Will kids who dont receive hugs feel left Out3 Could an extra-long hug slide into the
A. certainly
B. nearly
C. actively
D. voluntarily
{{B}}Human Ingenuity{{/B}}
Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty. That compulsion has resulted in robotics—the science of conferring various human capabilities on machines. And if scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they have begun to come Close.
As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms. Our banking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for the transaction. Our subway trains are controlled by tireless robo-drivers.
A. programs
B. experts
C. devices
D. creatures


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