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发布时间:2023-11-13 05:39:39

[单项选择]It will be emphasized that commercial space operations are inherently complex, longterm, capital-hungry, and set by a variety of risks.
A. beset by
B. inset by
C. preset by
D. reset by

更多"It will be emphasized that commerci"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The best characterization of a firm that is operating on its long-run average cost curve is when it:( )
A. experiences constant returns to scale.
B. produces a given output at the least possible cost.
C. chooses a plant size that minimizes the average fixed cost.
[单项选择]How long has the Charity Health Center been operating
A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. 7 years
D. 10 years
[单项选择]The company has employed a girl who is ()at operating the computer.
A. sufficient
B. proficient
C. efficient
D. inefficient
[简答题]What language skills are emphasized and what main techniques are used in the Direct Method classroom
[单项选择]Recent promotions by Amtrak have emphasized the ()benefits of taking the train.
A. safety
B. comfort
C. relaxation
D. cost
[单项选择]He emphasized a feasible plan which can be accepted by the both sides.( )
A. favorable
B. possible
C. formal
D. genuine
[简答题]What areas of language are emphasized by Oral Approach What language skills are emphasized

In the past, the concept of marketing emphasized sales. The producer or manufacturer made a product he wanted to sell. Marketing was the task of figuring out how to sell the product. Basically, selling the product would be accomplished by sales promotion, which include advertising and personal selling. In addition to sales promotion, marketing also involved the physical distribution of the product to the places where it was actually sold. Distribution consisted of transportation, storage, and related services such as financing, standardization and grading, and the related risks.
The modem marketing concept encompasses all of the activities mentioned, but it is based on a different set of principles. It subscribes to the notion that production can be economically justified only by consumption. In other words, goods should be produced only if they can be sold. Therefore, the producer should consider who is going to buy the product -or what the market for the product
A. advertising
B. transportation
C. personal selling
D. selling products

[填空题]What he emphasized over and over again was that, ________________________( 不管多么困难), they should never retreat even for an inch.
[填空题]Ancient Greek culture emphasized ______.

[填空题]In social (act) ______, it is always emphasized to have a strong conception of time.


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