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发布时间:2024-07-08 00:22:30


1 All major theories of child psychology state that children undergo a major change between the ages of five and seven. In classical learning theory, this is a time when the simplest forms of learning give way to learning that involves more complex mental processes. According to psychologist Jean Piaget, the period from five to seven years old is a transition to operational thought, when children are able to move beyond using only their senses toward using a new set of rational-thinking skills. Because several cognitive changes occur in children between ages five and seven, this period is called the five-seven shift. The shift is biological in nature and involves fundamental growth in the brain and stabilization of brain-wave rhythms into a basically adult pattern. The five-seven shift involves many physical changes, such as the loss of the "baby teeth" and an increase in the rates of height acquired and weight gained
A. Before the age of five, children think the longer line has more coins because they are incapable of understanding conservation.
B. Five-year-old children do not understand the value ofmoney, so they do not care if one line of coins is longer than another.
C. Because of the five-seven shift, children can understand why the longer row of coins is a better example of conservation.
D. Even if two rows of coins are different in length, very young children will say that both rows have the same number of coins.

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1 All major theories of child psychology state that children undergo a major change between the ages of five and seven. In classical learning theory, this is a time when the simplest forms of learning give way to learning that involves more complex mental processes. According to psychologist Jean Piaget, the period from five to seven years old is a transition to operational thought, when children are able to move beyond using only their senses toward using a new set of rational-thinking skills. Because several cognitive changes occur in children between ages five and seven, this period is called the five-seven shift. The shift is biological in nature and involves fundamental growth in the brain and stabilization of brain-wave rhythms into a basically adult pattern. The five-seven shift involves many physical changes, such as the loss of the "baby teeth" and an increase in the rates of height acquired and weight gained
A. development of rational thinking
B. an interest in morality and rules
C. important changes in the brain
D. an increase in the physical growth rate

1 All major theories of child psychology state that children undergo a major change between the ages of five and seven. In classical learning theory, this is a time when the simplest forms of learning give way to learning that involves more complex mental processes. According to psychologist Jean Piaget, the period from five to seven years old is a transition to operational thought, when children are able to move beyond using only their senses toward using a new set of rational-thinking skills. Because several cognitive changes occur in children between ages five and seven, this period is called the five-seven shift. The shift is biological in nature and involves fundamental growth in the brain and stabilization of brain-wave rhythms into a basically adult pattern. The five-seven shift involves many physical changes, such as the loss of the "baby teeth" and an increase in the rates of height acquired and weight
[填空题]In the United States, it is required that all children attend school, public or private, for twelve years. There are (26) this rule, of course, as in the case of certain religious or (27) groups where education is only required until the eighth grade. And there are some groups of people that see no purpose to an education (28) and ignore this requirement altogether. But for most, and reasonably so, a twelve-year education is the minimum. In view of the (29) of our society and the changes taking place, one would think that a person would need at least twelve years of education in order to cope. However, in recent years, a great many people have begun to question the purpose of having (30) education for twelve years.
One big reason the question is being raised is the fact that an alarming’ number of young people who graduate from the school systems are unable to handle simple, everyday tasks, such as reading a newspaper,


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