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发布时间:2023-10-08 12:33:57

[多项选择]How do you think existing customers might react to the offer of incentives to new customers (Why / Why not)

更多"How do you think existing customers"的相关试题:

[简答题]{{B}}How do you think existing customers might react to the offer of incentives to new customers (Why / Why not ){{/B}}
[单项选择]Next time you have a problem, think about how you can improve the situation instead of ______ all the negative aspects.
A. dwelling on
B. counting on
C. barking on
D. touching on
[多项选择]How important do you think is it to have national training projects for business people (Why / Why not)
[多项选择]How important do you think it is to gain experience of business practices in other countries (Why / Why not)
[简答题]What do you think of team spirit Do you think you are a good team player
[填空题]A.how long do you think that B.international communications
C.I cannot see you frequently D.after you finish your degree
E.how often do you see me F.I have not seen you in a while
G.Learn something important H.So where have you been
Adam:Hello.it’s been a long time since I have seen you.
Peter:It is true that (56)
Adam:Exactly (57) it has been
Peter:I believe that it has been two years since we last saw each other.
Adam: (58) since I last saw you
Peter:I am working on my doctorate at USC.
Adam:What is your field of emphasis
Peter:I decided to pursue (59)
Adam:I think that you will be very employable (60)
Peter:I hope that when I finish I will find good work.

[填空题]How long do you think the meeting will be lasted()
[多项选择]How do you think companies should deal with a sudden decrease in the number of orders received (Why / Why not)
[多项选择]PART 3
·How do you think weather affects us
HOW do babies react to unfamiliar babies
A. They show fear.
B. They reach out to touch them.
C. They start to cry.
D. They turn to adults.
[多项选择] What do you do to unwind How do you relax your mind

M: How much do you think it’ll cost to repair the typewriter (打字机)
W: Let me see. About twenty pounds, I’m afraid.

How much will it cost to repair the typewriter ( )
A. About one pound.
B. About twenty-one pounds.
C. About twenty pounds.
[简答题]{{B}}How important do you think it is to gain experience of business practices in other countries (Why / Why not ){{/B}}
[简答题]{{B}}How important do you think is it to have national training projects for business people (Why / Why not ){{/B}}


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