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发布时间:2023-10-20 13:56:00

[单项选择]According to a recent research, listening to music is what most people do to ease pressure; with watching television is a closed second()
A. 最近一项研究表明,大多数人会借助听音乐和看电视来缓解压力。
B. 通过最近的研究我们了解到,最多的人借助听音乐来缓解压力,其次是借看电视来缓解压力。
C. 通过最近的研究我们了解到,听音乐是缓解压力的最有效的办法,其次是看电视。
D. 最近一项研究表明,大多数人首选听音乐来缓解压力,紧随其后的是看电视。

更多"According to a recent research, lis"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to a recent research, listening to music is what most people do to ease pressure; with watching television is a closed second.
A. 最近一项研究表明,大多数人会借助听音乐和看电视来缓解压力。
B. 通过最近的研究我们了解到,最多的人借助听音乐来缓解压力,其次是借看电视来缓解压力。
C. 通过最近的研究我们了解到,听音乐是缓解压力的最有效的办法,其次是看电视。
D. 最近一项研究表明,大多数人首选听音乐来缓解压力,紧随其后的是看电视。
[单项选择]According to a recent study, listening to music is what most people do to ease stress, with watching television a close second.()
A. 通过最近的学习了解到,最多的人借听音乐来缓解压力,其次是借看电视来缓解压力的人。
B. 最近一项研究表明,大多数人会借助听音乐和看电视来缓解压力。
C. 通过最近的学习了解到,听音乐是缓解压力最有效的办法,其次是看电视。
D. 最近一项研究表明,大多数人首选听音乐来缓解压力,紧随其后的是看电视。
[多项选择]According to the most recent research on parenting, caretakers tend to use three strategies for disciplining children. Power includes the use of physical punishment such as a spanking or the threat of physical punishment, but parents can also demonstrate power by taking away a privilege such as using the car, attending a sporting event, or, in the case of a very young child, playing with a favorite toy. In spite of the fact that power strategies, especially severe physical punishment, can cause children to fear or even hate parents, it’s surprising that power remains the strategy used most often in disciplining children. It’s also worth noting that children who are harshly disciplined in this way tend to be hostile, defiant, and aggressive socially. Second in popularity after power is the withholding of affection. This can take the form of refusal to communicate with a child, threatening to abandon or reject the child, or otherwise treating children as though they were unworthy of love
[单项选择]The dichotic listening research shows that the left hemisphere is not superior for processing all sounds, but only for those that are ( ) in nature.
A. non-linguistic
B. musical
C. linguistic
D. natural
[填空题]According to recent research, ______ and ______ are not interdependent.

[填空题]According to a recent survey, four million people ______(死于说吸烟有关的疾病) each year.


According to a recent cross-cultural study, married people in general have longer life expectancies than do people who divorce and do not remarry. This fact indicates that the stress associated with divorce adversely affects health.
Which of the following, if true, points to a weakness in the argument above()

A. Overall life expectancies differ among countries, even among countries with similar cultures
B. People often show signs of stress when undergoing a divorce
C. Life expectancy varies with age-group, even among married people
D. Stress of many kinds has been shown to affect health adversely
E. Adults who have never married have shorter life expectancies than do married people of the same age
[单项选择]According to a recent US survey, children spent up to 25 hours a week ______ TV.
A. to watch
B. watching
C. watch
D. watched

According to a recent survey, employees in many companies today work longer hours than employees did in 1979. They also take shorter vacations than employees in 1979 took. It seems that Americans are working harder today than ever before. Or are they A management consultant, Bill Meyer, decided to find out. For three days, he observed an investment banker hard at work. Meyer wrote down everything the banker did during his long workday--the banker worked 80 hours a week. At the end of the three-clay period, Meyer reviewed the banker’s activities with him. What did they find out They discovered that the man spent 80 percent of his time doing busy work. For example, he attended unnecessary meetings, made redundant telephone calls, and spent time packing and unpacking his two big briefcases.
Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends at work, the more she or he accomplishes. However, the connection between time and productivity is not always posi


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