更多"Pattie Kovars: Even if my whole"的相关试题:
[填空题] Pattie Kovars:
Even if my whole family gets up very early, I always like to work at night. I find that’s my best time to get work done. I like night time because everything is calm and I can just write. I feel calmer and more focused at night. There is no pressure. When I read my papers in the morning, I’m always amazed how good they sound.
Brandi Baldasano:
I try to make use of all the small portions of time that I have available. I find that I can finish a lot in fifteen minutes, because I am able to concentrate for that long knowing I have only a few minutes. Those small units of time really add up over a week. Setting small goals seems to help me avoid feeling overwhelmed. I use my calendar as a guide.
Galo Arboleda:
I’m the king of procrastination(耽搁). I like to do everything at the last minute. I always tell myself to stop this pattern, but then once again. I stay all night writing the paper or studying for the test