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发布时间:2023-11-17 19:27:27

[单项选择]()men have learned much from the behavior of animals is brand-new.
A. That
B. What
C. Those
D. Whether

更多"()men have learned much from the be"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Many great men have risen from poverty;(), Lincoln and Edison.
A. by contrast
B. for instance
C. in particular
D. on average
[单项选择]Traditionally, women have lagged behind men in adoption of Internet technologies, but a study released yesterday found that women under age 65 now outpace men in Internet usage. The report, "How Women and Men Use the Internet," examined use by both sexes, looking at what men and women are doing online as well as their rate of adopting new Web-based technologies. "I think the real interesting story is the young women, because that is the one age cohort where there are many more women online," said Deborah Fallows, who wrote the report based on findings from surveys conducted over the past five years. "The younger women are just much more comfortable with the Internet." The report found that 86 percent of women ages 18 to 29 were online, compared with 80 percent of men in the same age group. Among African Americans, 60 percent of women are online, compared with 50 percent of men.
In other age groups, the disparity is only slight, with women outpacing men by 3 percentage points. Howe
A. there is big disparity between the sexes on the Web among African Americans.
B. Result of the study is shocking because it contrasts to the traditional thinking.
C. The study found more and more old people spent time and energy in net usage.
D. The young women are more practical in using the new Web-based technologies.
[单项选择]Some pop singers have much influence ( ) the young people.
A. to
B. for
C. onto
D. on
[填空题]I have much work to do. I have______ work to do.
[单项选择]Important people don’t often have much free time because their work ______ all their time.
A. takes over
B. takes away
C. takes in
D. takes up
[填空题]Important people don’t often have much free time as______(他们的工作占用了他们的全部时间) .
[填空题]Women’ s minds work differently from men. At least, that is what (1) ______
most men are convinced of. Psychologists view the subject either as a
matter of frustration and a joke. Now the biologists have moved (2) ______
into this minefield, and some of them have found that there are real
differences between the brains of men and women. And being (3) ______
different, they point out hurriedly, is not the same as being better
or bad. There is, however, a definite structural variation between (4) ______
the male and female brain. The difference is a part of the brain that
is used in most complex intellectual processes — the link between (5) ______
the two halves of the brain.
Research showed that these two halves of the brain had
different functions, and that the corpus callosum enable them (6) ______
to work


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