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发布时间:2024-03-15 01:38:42


XP is (71) of interesting twists that encourage one to think--for example, how about "Test and then code" I’ve worked with software companies and a few IT organizations in (72) programmer performance was measured on lines of code delivered and testing was measured on defects found-- (73) side was motivated to reduce the number of defects prior to testing. XP uses two types of testing: unit and functional. (74) , the practice for unit testing involves developing the test for the feature prior to writing the code and further states that the tests should be automated. Once the code is written, it is immediately (75) to the test suite bringing instant feedback.

A. them
B. where
C. that
D. which

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XP is (71) of interesting twists that encourage one to think--for example, how about "Test and then code" I’ve worked with software companies and a few IT organizations in (72) programmer performance was measured on lines of code delivered and testing was measured on defects found-- (73) side was motivated to reduce the number of defects prior to testing. XP uses two types of testing: unit and functional. (74) , the practice for unit testing involves developing the test for the feature prior to writing the code and further states that the tests should be automated. Once the code is written, it is immediately (75) to the test suite bringing instant feedback.

A. filled
B. stuff
C. pack
D. full
[单项选择]Passage Three
A. The dangerous twists and turns along the course.
B. The changeable weather in a single day in North Germany.
C. The preparation for there being too many people.
D. The high expenditure on accommodation and traffic.
[简答题]To encourage competition from foreign financial institutions, China has expanded the list of areas open to foreign banking establishments to include all large cities throughout the country.
[填空题]What qualities did parents encourage their children to have
Do Clean Smell Encourage Clean Behavior

Years ago, social scientists introduced the broken-windows theory of crime control, which assumed that if a neighborhood looked orderly and cared for—with no broken windows—potential wrongdoers would be dissuaded from committing crimes there. Now psychologists have proposed a similar theory, which suggests that people can be induced to behave morally when their environment smells as clean as it looks.
It’s the Macbeth principle of morality, says Katie Liljenquist, professor of organizational leadership at Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Management and lead author of the new study, to be published in Psychological Science. "There is a strong link between moral and physical purity that people associate at a core level. People feel contaminated (受污染的) by immoral choices and try to wash away their sins," says Liljenquist. "To some degree, washing actually is effective in relieving
A. potential wrongdoers would be dissuaded from breaking windows.
B. psychologist would suggest people behave morally.
C. it is less likely that people would commit crime there.
D. it would smei1 as clean as it looks.
[单项选择]Packaging is designed so as to encourage impetuous shopping.
A. extravagant
B. careful
C. impotent
D. impulsive
[单项选择]To encourage adequate nutritional intake for a client with Alzheimer’s disease, what should the nurse do()
A. Stay with the client and encourage him to eat.
B. Help the client fill out his menu.
C. Give the client privacy during meals.
D. Fill out the menu for the client.
[填空题]Parents have struggled for years to encourage children to go to bed on time. In Scotland, however, all the families should be enjoying sweet dreams in the future,as pupils are to be given lessons in how to sleep. The charity Sleep Scotland is providing classes free of charge in a pilot scheme at three schools in Glasgow in an attempt to (47) problems caused by a lack of sleep.
Glasgow city council estimates that as many as one in four teenagers are not getting the (48) nine hours of sleep a night,and said there was " (49) evidence" suggesting a (50) between lack of sleep and obesity, lower academic achievement and depression. The classes will be offered as workshops for groups of 20 secondary school pupils, with an after-school (51) for parents and staff advising how to support teenagers to get good sleep. Cameron said just two classes could (52) advise pupils on how to (53) their sleeping habits for the better.<


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