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发布时间:2024-03-21 21:54:26


William, who conquered England some 930 years ago, had wealth, power and a ruthless army. Yet although William was stupefyingly rich by the standard of his time, he had nothing remotely resembling a flush toilet. No paper towels, no riding lawn mower. How did he get by
History books are filled with wealthy people who were practically destitute compared to me, I have tripe-tracked storm window; Croesus did not. Entire nations trembled before Alexander the Great, but he couldn’t buy cat food in bulk. Czar Nicholas Ⅱ lacked a compound-miter saw.
Given how much better off I am than so many famous dead people, you’d think I’d be content. The trouble is that, like most people, I compare my prosperity with that of living persons: neighbors, high-school classmates, TV personalities. The covetousness I feel toward my friend Howard’s kitchen is not mitigated by the fact that no French monarch ever had a refrigerator with glass doors.
There is
A. Flush toilet
B. Ruthless army
C. Paper towels
D. Riding lawn mower

更多"William, who conquered England some"的相关试题:


William, who conquered England some 930 years ago, had wealth, power and a ruthless army. Yet although William was stupefyingly rich by the standard of his time, he had nothing remotely resembling a flush toilet. No paper towels, no riding lawn mower. How did he get by
History books are filled with wealthy people who were practically destitute compared to me, I have tripe-tracked storm window; Croesus did not. Entire nations trembled before Alexander the Great, but he couldn’t buy cat food in bulk. Czar Nicholas Ⅱ lacked a compound-miter saw.
Given how much better off I am than so many famous dead people, you’d think I’d be content. The trouble is that, like most people, I compare my prosperity with that of living persons: neighbors, high-school classmates, TV personalities. The covetousness I feel toward my friend Howard’s kitchen is not mitigated by the fact that no French monarch ever had a refrigerator with glass doors.
There is
A. wealthy
B. impoverished
C. powerful
D. arbitrary

[单项选择]Bathing in the sea in England a hundred years ago was not quite the light-hearted amusement that it is today. There are no running down from the hotel to the beach in a bath robe(长袍), no sunbathing, or lying about on the sands in bathing-dresses after the dip. Everything had to be done in an orderly and extremely polite manner. Mixed bathing was not allowed anywhere. Men and women each had their separate part of the beach, and they were not supposed to meet in the water.
Bathing clothes were also closely controlled. Men usually wore simple bathing drawers and no more, but women were obliged to wear thick, cumbersome woolen garments that covered them completely from head to foot. These satisfied the demands of modesty, but they must have been extremely uncomfortable for swimming.
Even thus decently covered, women were not supposed to show themselves on the beach while in bathing attire(浴衣). They had to wait their turn for a bathing machine, a sort of wooden cabin on wheels whi
A. it protected them from the cold
B. it was considered bad manners to show any flesh
C. it made it easier to swim
D. it covered them from head to foot
[单项选择]William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the White Tower.
The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of buildings. In addition to White Tower there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.
The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress, royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks, place of execution, and city zoo.
As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf H
A. discuss the future of the Tower of London
B. discuss the ramifications of using the Tower of London as a prison
C. argue that the Tower is an improper place for crown jewels
D. describe and discuss the history of the Tower of London
[单项选择]Some years ago industries had more freedom than they have now, and they did not need to be as careful as they must today. They did not need to worry a lot about the safety of the new products that they developed. They did not have to pay much attention to the health and safety of the people who worked for them. Often new products were dangerous for the people who used them; often conditions in the work place had very bad effects on the health of the workers.
Of course sometimes there were real disasters which attracted the attention of governments and which showed need for changes. Also scientists who were doing research into the health of workers sometimes produced information which governments could not ignore. At such times, there were inquiries into the causes of the disaster or the problems. New safety rules were often introduced as a result of these inquiries; however, the new rule; came too late to protect the people who died or who became seriously iii.
Today many gov
A. conditions in the work place
B. the freedom of industries in the past
C. changes in industrial production
D. the safety and health of workers and customers
[单项选择]Some years ago, thumping, jumping noises routinely issued from the apartment upstairs as if baby elephants were competing in the 50-yard dash. 1 went up one day to politely inquire. "No,nobody’s making noise here, "the husband and wife both insisted. " It must be coming from elsewhere in the building. " Two children about five years old, each holding soccer balls, stood right beside their parents. " Could the thumping be your kids running around, perhaps playing soccer " I asked. "Oh no, we never let the kids play in the house. "
For months, the pattern continued: the thumping and jumping above, our delicate check-in, the denial. It got so that every time I saw the couple, I glared without a word of greeting.When they moved out of the building, the thumping stopped.
I suppose I could have forgiven my neighbors and spared them the glare. After all, forgiveness is in a trend advocated by best-selling books, foundations and research institutes. The notion has gone well beyond sp
A. has great difficulty forgiving people
B. regrets failing to practice forgiveness
C. wants to learn how to forgive people
D. opposes "forgiveness without principle/


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