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发布时间:2024-07-31 07:55:26

[单项选择]It is reported that automakers such as Chrysler and Toyota are developing fuel-cell-powered cars that convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity with plans to put them on roads by 2010()
A. 据报道,汽车制造商,例如克莱斯勒和丰田都在开发把氢气和氧气转化为电力的汽车,他们计划在2010年底投入使用。
B. 据报道,汽车制造者们,像克莱斯勒和丰田正在发展—种将氢气和氧气转化为电力的燃料电池汽车,并将于2010年上路。
C. 据报道,汽车制造商,例如克莱斯勒和丰田公司,都在研究开发靠燃料电池发动的汽车,这些汽车将氢气和氧气转化为电力,并计划于2010年推向市场。
D. 据报道,汽车制造者将在2010年生产两种将氧气转化为电力的克莱斯勒和丰田汽车。

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[单项选择]It is reported that automakers such as Chrysler and Toyota are developing fuel-cell-powered cars that convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity with plans to put them on roads by 2010()
A. 据报道,汽车制造商,例如克莱斯勒和丰田都在开发把氢气和氧气转化为电力的汽车,他们计划在2010年底投入使用。
B. 据报道,汽车制造者们,像克莱斯勒和丰田正在发展—种将氢气和氧气转化为电力的燃料电池汽车,并将于2010年上路。
C. 据报道,汽车制造商,例如克莱斯勒和丰田公司,都在研究开发靠燃料电池发动的汽车,这些汽车将氢气和氧气转化为电力,并计划于2010年推向市场。
D. 据报道,汽车制造者将在2010年生产两种将氧气转化为电力的克莱斯勒和丰田汽车。
[单项选择]For years, U. S. automakers have fought tougher regulations by arguing that Americans tend to prefer larger, gas-guzzling SUVs and trucks. That’s not always true: when gas prices were at an all-time high last summer, sales of SUVs were down considerably, while hybrids flew off dealer lots. Since then, prices at the pump have dropped-and so has the appetite for small cars. As long as the price of gas remains volatile(易变的, 动荡不定的), it’s far from certain that Americans will buy the more efficient cars and trucks the new standards will require automakers to produce. In the long run, though, a gas tax that puts a floor on fuel prices may be the only way to break America’s SUV addiction. But Obama has said he’s not interested. "You need a price signal. Regulations alone won’t do it," says Lester Lave, director of the Carnegie Mellon Green Design Initiative.
Americans’ appetite for SUVs dropped when
A. gas prices hit new high last summer.
B. hybrids were out of stock last summer.
C. the government set limits on fuel price last summer.
D. the gas price remained fluctuing last summer.
[填空题]______are used by several automakers to produce hybrid sedans, SUVs and trucks, which help cut global warming pollution.

[单项选择]Who first reported the news
A. Caitlin
B. Dr. White
C. Earl
D. Donald

Some heartening statistics were reported last year by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute: the mortality rate for breast cancer dropped nearly five percent between 1989 and 1992, the Largest decline since 1950. The numbers were even more dramatic for young women: between 1987 and 1992, the mortality rate plummeted nearly 18 percent among white women younger than 40.
But discouraging news also surfaced: the mortality rate among black women has gone up, and the number of reported breast cancer cases is rising as well. Twenty years ago a woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer was one in 12; now it’s one in eight.
Nevertheless, we’re on the verge of a revolution in treating this disease. Researchers now have a clear picture of how a cancer cell becomes a tumor -- and how cells break free from a tumor and glide through the bloodstream to seed a new one in another part of the body. And they better understand how the female hormone estrogen mak
A. Mastectomy is the only reasonable choice for a woman with small breast and a large tumor.
B. Life-style and attitudes also play a role in the choice.
C. Many women make an improper decision in the treatment out of fear and lack of informa tion.
D. Women are more likely to feel tired if they accept mastectomy.

[单项选择]An American manufacturer of space heaters reported a 1994 fourth-quarter net income (total income minus total costs) of $41 million, compared with $28.3 million in the fourth quarter of 1993. This increase was realized despite a drop in U.S. domestic retail sales of space-heating units toward the end of the fourth quarter of 1994 as a result of unusually high temperatures.
Which of the following, if true, would contribute most to an explanation of the increase in the manufacturer’s net income ?()
A. In the fourth quarter of 1994, the manufacturer paid its assembly-line workers no salaries in November or December because of a two-month-long strike, but the company had a sufficient stock of space-heating units on hand to supply its distributors.
B. In 1993, because of unusually cold weather in the Northeast, the federal government authorized the diversion of emergency funding for purchasing space-heating units to be used in the hardest-hit areas.
C. Foreign manufacturers of space heaters reported improved fourth-quarter sales in the American market compared with their sales in 1993.
D. During the fourth quarter of 1994, the manufacturer announced that it would introduce an extra-high-capacity space heater in the following quarter.
E. In the third quarter of 1994, a leading consumer magazine advocated space heaters as a cost-effective way to heat spaces of less than 100 square feet.
[单项选择]Passage Two
It is reported that alcohol abuse on college campuses is on the rise. But alcohol abuse is only one symptom of a larger campus crisis. There is a growth in racism, sexism, assault, attempted suicide, theft, property damage and most disappointing of all, cheating on exams.
A generation has come to college quite fragile, not very secure about who it is, fearful of its lack of identity and without confidence in its future. Many students are ashamed of themselves and afraid of relationships.
It is happening because the generation now entering college has experienced few authentic connections with adults in its lifetime. I call this the "Culture of Neglect", and we--parents, teachers, professors and administrators--are the primary architects.
It begins at home, where social and economic factors result in less family time for
A. Alcohol abuse.
B. Cheating on exams.
C. Racial discrimination.
D. Lack of financial support.
[单项选择]The reported mortality rates from contemporary African famines are inaccurate, due partly to the difficulties of collecting such information, but also to international agencies’ tendency to___________ figures in order to emphasize need for support.

A. evaporate
B. exaggerate
C. exemplify
D. exempt
[单项选择]Altogether how many people were reported missing
A. 68
B. 90
C. 150
D. 40

Government officials reported three new cases of mad cow, bringing the total so far this year to 99. Last year, France recorded just 31 cases of the mad cow disease. The rising numbers are in part (1) a new testing program that focuses on cows that are most (2) . That program has (3) 39 cases. But still 60 new cases were identified in the usual way, (4) were found in 1999. Many scientists (5) that this year, five years after safety precautions were (6) , the number of cases would be (7) .
The rise in cases has (8) some scientists to question whether the disease can be transmitted in ways not yet understood. Scientists are still (9) the disease, first recognized in cows in 1986.
It appears that it is not caused by a bacteria, virus or fungus, but (10) infectious particles called prion, perhaps (11) a virus or other agent. The disease kills cells in the brain, (12) it spongy and fu
A. declining
B. inclining
C. increasing
D. reclaiming


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