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发布时间:2024-03-06 05:31:08

[单项选择]The defense attorney contemplated a long time before finally making his decision to () the accused in court.
A. attend
B. represent
C. express
D. perform

更多"The defense attorney contemplated a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The defense attorney contemplated a long time before finally making his decision to () the accused in court.
A. attend
B. represent
C. express
D. perform
[单项选择]Thoughts of suicide haunted Anita Rutnam long before she arrived at Syracuse University. She had a history of mental illness and had even attempted to kill herself. During her junior year of college, she tried again. On a February morning in 1998, just days after a campus counselor recommended she be hospitalized for her suicidal tendencies, Rutnam threw herself off the eighth floor of a Syracuse dormitory.
Miraculously, she survived. But three years later, Rutnam still feels the effects of that day. She has not been able to finish college and is suing her former school for malpractice. Her suit asserts that, given the campus counselor’s advice, school officials should have done more to prevent her suicide attempt.
This incident and others have thrown a spotlight on an issue that is causing growing concern in dorm rooms and students center. Are colleges providing adequate care for students who may be struggling with a range of mental illnesses In the Syracuse case, a spokesma
A. she couldn’t get enough concern from Syracuse University
B. she wasn’t physically healthy enough to continue schooling
C. she still kept thinking about killing herself whenever at school
D. she has been troubled by the memory of the incident very often

It takes a long time to grow a tree. How long Well, pine trees are the quickest growing trees, but still, they take twenty years to reach a size suitable for cutting and harvesting. An oak takes about sixty years to grow to a good size. A redwood may take hundreds of years.
Lumber companies, which make their money on trees, depend on those that grow quickly. There- fore, they are always looking for methods to make trees grow faster. So far, the secret to fast growing trees seems to lie in "super-seeds." These are seeds that are gathered from the quickest growing trees in a forest. One company searched 100,000 acres of trees and selected the seeds from just fifteen trees. These two ounces of seed were enough to plant several hundred new trees. Eventually, when these trees have grown, seeds will again be taken only from the fastest growing trees of crop. This process of artificial selection will yield, in the future, a super-tree that will grow in half the time it
A. speech is beginning
B. conclusion follows
C. comparison is being made
D. metaphor is being used


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