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发布时间:2023-10-18 12:58:32

[单项选择]Probe Magazine conducted a survey asking one thousand employees who work in low-paying industries to express () their biggest concerns are.
A. how
B. when
C. what
D. which

更多"Probe Magazine conducted a survey a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Probe Magazine conducted a survey asking one thousand employees who work in low-paying industries to express () their biggest concerns are.
A. how
B. when
C. what
D. which
[单项选择]Passage One Asking for a raise during a tough economy might feel like a bad move, but it’s not necessarily. If it is done properly, asking for a raise reminds your company of your value and worth as an employee. To succeed, play smart. Timing is the first and foremost important thing to consider. You should understand your company’s system for discussing, evaluating and awarding compensation and then work within it. Annual performance evaluation discussions are a good time. Most importantly, do your homework. Find out the fair market value of your work. If you’re not being paid fairly, that needs to be addressed. Evaluate your job performance and state in writing exactly how you’re benefiting the company.Only discuss work-related issues: your job, the company, etc. Besides money, salary discussions can be about learning important information. During your private chat, you might find out a layoff is coming and the conversation will naturally evolve from “how do I get a r
A. choose a proper time
B. avoid demanding too much
C. understand the company’s future plan
D. find out the company’s financial conditions

A one-month survey results indicate that smoking, alcohol and marijuana use increase among residents of Manhattan during the five to eight weeks after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center which took place on September 11,2001. Almost one-third of the nearly 1 000 persons interviewed reported an increased use of alcohol, marijuana, or cigarettes following the September 11 attacks. About one-fourth of the respondents said they were drinking more alcohol in the weeks after September 11; about one tenth reported an in- crease in smoking, and 3.2% said they had increased their use of marijuana.
62)The investigators found survey Participants by randomly, dialing New York City phone numbers and screened Potential respondents for Manhattan residents living in areas close to the World Trade Center. Interviews were conducted with 988 individuals between October 16 and November 15,2001. Participants were asked about their cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking,

[单项选择]Passage Four
Although there may be thousands of different kinds of jobs, as I see it there are basically only two kinds of work. One is the sort that in the main is done for its own sake. It has little to do with bosses, or clerks or wages and it usually proves rewarding in itself. The other sort is normally done in return for a weekly wages in factories, on building sites or down in mines.
A research scientist may find his income quite a lot for doing what he would do anyway even if he were rich. Others grumble. But could you find such a person who has never grumbled all his life
The worst things of all is having a job where there are no consolations whatever. A factory worker says, "For eight hours a day, five days a week. I’m the exception to the rule. That life can’t exist in a vacuum. Work to me is a great loss, and I begrude (吝啬)
A. offer good wages but no interest
B. give you only a small income
C. give you lots of interest but little money
D. are unrewarding in any way


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